Your Words On My Wrist (Mini Story: French) (Logicality)

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Patton had been learning a couple new things about his fiancé. He was still a chosen mute, meaning he didn't really talk though he could. He said things like "I love you too" now however, making his chest flutter each time.

Patton tidied the house, humming to himself as he straightened things that were out of place. He stumbled upon a book, looking at the confusing title. "What's this?" he murmured to himself. He tried to pronounce it the best he could. "A-Apprendre le français?"

His brows furrowed together as he opened it. As he read it, he realized what it was. It was a book on learning how to speak French! But, he hadn't bought the book, and hadn't been learning French... did Logan buy it? Was Logan trying to learn French? But he was a mute, he barely spoke English, the language he knew.

Patton looked at the cover again. "Volume One, hmm," he muttered. Book in hand, he headed to his fiancé's office.

The door was cracked open, leading to Patton curiously opening it slowly to listen. Normally, all he'd hear was the typing of a keyboard or pen on paper, but today, he heard a voice. It was a voice he didn't hear very often, saying words he didn't understand.

"Il est l'amour de ma vie," he muttered to himself, repeating it slowly. He seemed to be making sure he was saying it correctly.

"You speak French?!" Patton exclaimed, causing poor Logan to jump so high he fell off his chair. Hitting the ground with a thump, his eyes were wide as he looked at Patton in the doorway. He gasped as he realized he'd startled him. "Oh my gosh! Sorry! I was just shocked! Are you alright?!"

He rushed forward to Logan on the ground, helping him sit up. The mute nodded in response to his question.

"How long have you been learning French?" Patton asked curiously. Logan held up a hand to show three fingers, meaning three years. "Wow... the first time I heard your voice was about a month ago, but you've been learning and speaking French for three years... why didn't you tell me you could do that? Like, on paper I mean."

Logan blushed, hesitating before opening his mouth. "S-So I could do this..." he said, pulling Patton into a kiss, causing him to gasp. When Logan pulled away, he moved his mouth near his ear, whispering. "Je t'aime plus que la vie elle-même..."

Patton gasped a tiny bit, sinking into the sound of Logan's voice in his ear. "Ton beauté rivalise avec celle de la plus jolie fleur..." his fiancé murmured, brushing his cheek gently with his hand. Though sitting on the ground, Patton knees felt weak.

"Le sentiment de tes lèvres sur le mien est tout ce dont j'ai besoin pour être heureux..." Logan said softly, lips brushing Patton's as he spoke.

"I really like it when you speak French," he said breathlessly with a smile. "Even though I have no idea what you're saying..."

Logan chuckled a small bit. "That's part of the fun," he said softly, pressing his lips to Patton's once more.

Patton wished he would speak French more often, but if he did, it would take away some of the specialness. Logan was still a chosen mute after all, and wasn't comfortable talking all the time.

Though he didn't speak it often, he did it quite a bit at night while he thought Patton was asleep. Logan would be holding him as he cuddled into his chest, and Patton would be close to losing consciousness when his fiancé would tilt his head closer to his ear and murmur things in French to him. Patton would smile to himself, and allow himself to be lulled to sleep by the sound of Logan's beautiful voice.

I hope you liked that :3
1) "I love you more than life itself."
2) "Your beauty rivals that of the prettiest flower."
3) "The feeling of your lips on mine is all I need to be happy."

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