I Can Make You Talk (Part 2) (Prinxiety)

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I'm trying something new, so things might get a little bit heated...

Virgil had one more Side he needed to interrogate. Knowing Roman, he knew there was no way he'd get him to admit anything embarrassing. His honor meant everything to the prince-like Side. He'd never say anything that cause a wound in his pride or his image.

I'll get him to talk, Virgil thought deviously. I have my ways.

Virgil set out to find the Prince of Creativity, determined to make him confess why he was so flustered when referring to him as the "fairest" despite it being a joke. Luckily for him, he found him in the hall, far down by his room. Virgil approached him, a smirk finding its way on to his face.

"Hey there Princey," he said, causing the prince-like character to jump a little in surprise.

"Ah, greetings Virgil," he replied. "What gives me the honor of speaking with you?"

Wait, what? he thought. That caught him off guard. Why would Roman consider it an honor to talk to him?

"Oh not much, just very curious about something," the darkest of Sides continued still smirking. For a brief second, alarm flickered through Roman's gaze. However it was only for a moment and then it was gone. It was so quick , you'd have to be specifically looking for it to see it.

"What might that be?" he said, still appearing calm and collected.

Virgil hummed thoughtfully, leaning in a little closer than Roman was comfortable with. His cheeks had a pink tint to them as Virgil muttered the next thing. "Why were you so flustered when you called me the 'fairest'?"

Roman paled and blushed at the same time, if that was possible. "I wasn't. It was a joke," he said steadily, his voice contradicting his reaction.

"Now, now, we both know that's not true," he said. "What if I bring up how annoying you can be to the others? Will that change your mind? Because you are very annoying."

Roman seemed bothered as he took a deep breath, but he looked Anxiety right in the eye. "Y-You'll have to do better than that," he said defiantly, a small stutter in his voice.

I have to try something else... Something else that'll make him flustered and intimidated... Virgil smirked, getting the perfect idea. This little prince always liked to be in charge, always flirting with him. What if Virgil decided to throw that right back at him... only do more than just flirt?

"Do you think I'm good looking Princey?" he asked with that devilish smirk. To this Roman blushed deeper red and backed up a little. Bad move.

Virgil followed, pinning him against the wall. "Am I intimidating to you?" he muttered. "Do I make you flustered?"

Roman's eyes were wide and his cheeks were red as cherries. He shook his head nervously, not daring to say a word. Virgil wasn't done yet. He leaned in close to the prince's neck, making the other shiver.

"I can make you talk one way or another..." he murmured, breath warm on Princey's neck. "So tell me... do you find me attractive?"

The prince-like Side nodded nervously, still refusing to say anything. Virgil wasn't having that. He wanted to hear the way his voice shook nervously whenever he made him anxious. He kissed under his jaw, causing him to gasp. "Words Roman..." he muttered, voice deep.

"Y-Yes I-I f-find y-you v-v-very a-attractive," he squeaked out. His whole face was red and his neck felt like it was on fire from Anxiety's breath.

"Good," Virgil hummed. "We're already halfway finished. Was that so hard? Now... was that why you were so flustered?"

Roman wanted to disappear from the embarrassment. He had sworn never to show weakness to him, but he was too good. "Y-Yes t-that's w-why I was... f-flustered..." he stammered.

Virgil smirked, pulling away from his neck but he didn't unpin him. "Thank you, but I think I have a couple more questions," he said, leaning in close. "Do you have feelings for me?"

Said prince looked off to the side with embarrassment as he nodded. "Y-Yes I have f-feelings for you..."

Virgil's heart lurched; he hadn't expected him to actually say yes. He leaned in closer to his face. Roman's breathing hitched at how his breath ghosted over his lips. He looked down, heart pounding at how close his opposite's lips were to his own. "Do you want to kiss me right now Roman?"

Roman's gaze snapped up to Virgil's. The fanciful Side took a breath, closing his eyes and bowing his head. "D-Do you need me to answer that?" he whispered, looking up a little. It was Virgil's turn for his breathing to hitch. "I don't have to talk to answer that."

Without warning, Roman pressed his lips to Virgil's passionately. He gasped, eyes widening and heart pounding as he realized what just happened. He kissed back forcefully, squealing on the inside. He was kissing Roman! And HE had started it!

The two of them jumped, breaking apart as they heard someone clear their throat. The two them looked the side, eyes wide, faces flushed, and mouths hanging open slightly. Logan was standing there, a small smug look on his face as he straightened his glasses.

"It's about time," he said, gesturing between us. "However, there's a room literally right there."

How y'all feel about things getting a little heated from time to time? I don't write smut, it makes me uncomfortable, but I do enjoy when things heat up a little or imply it without going into detail. I've been writing literally pure fluff, so I would like to know if this makes anyone uncomfortable.

Anyway, that was Part 2! I hope you liked it and thank you for reading! (And yes I freaked out over 2 Million subs last night XP)

*In the style of Thomas* Peace out!

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