Experimenting With Love (Part Three) (Prinxiety & Logicality)

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About an hour after the interactions between Prinxiety and Logicality, the two couples were now in the common room. The solution had worn off both Anxiety and Logan, and the two pairs were now cuddling on the couches.

"Hey, Roman?" Patton started, as he thought about what happened earlier. "Did Anxiety act strange when he confessed to you?"

Anxiety's face paled as the prince nodded thoughtfully. The darker Side couldn't remember his actions after getting the solution dumped on him.

"As a matter of fact, he was acting strange," Roman said, smirking a little as he recalled being pinned against the fridge.

"How so?" Patton asked curiously. Logan was turning a little red. He couldn't remember his actions either, but by thinking Patton's questions through, he could only assume the worst.

Anxiety hid his face as Roman began to tell the story of how he'd approached him and proceeded to pin him against the fridge before kissing him passionately. Logan's jaw was hanging open as he blushed, deeply concerned about what HE had done while under the effects of the solution. Patton was covering his mouth with his hands as he let out a muffled squeal.

"Why did you have to tell them that?" Anxiety whined, cheeks red as cherries. Roman shrugged with a sly look on his face. Anxiety huffed. "Well, fine, but if you think about it, Mr. Confident, YOU were the one pinned against the fridge stammering, not me!"

Roman blushed as the other two laughed and 'ooo'ed at the comment. "Whatever, why is this even a discussion?"

"Oh! Logan was also acting really weird earlier," Patton said, leading said Side to pale. The other two looked extremely intrigued. "He got up super close to me and like pinned me against the door until he opened it and we went in. Then he flopped on the bad and said he needed help with emotions. When I asked him if he was okay, he grabbed my head like this," he did it with Logan to demonstrate, "and said there was something wrong with his heart because it was beating really fast. When I pulled away, he asked me to teach him about love and then kissed me."

Anxiety and Roman were freaking out as Logan blushed, hiding his face in his hands. "What is up with you two today?" Roman asked.

"Uh, Logic? Care to explain?" Anxiety said, dumping all the attention on him. Logan gave him a glare as he swallowed.

"Well, I may have concocted a solution that magnifies one's affection toward another person," he said, scratching his neck.

"So basically you made a love potion," Patton said. Logan sighed, knowing that his dad-like counterpart wouldn't understand that this was purely science used to enhance emotions that already existed and shouldn't be classified as a "love potion".

"Not really but-"

"You made a love potion!" Patton squeaked excitedly. "That's why you were acting so weird and adorable!"

Logan did a double take upon hearing that compliment. No one had ever called him adorable before. He smiled shyly at him.

"Wait, why did Anxiety take it?" Roman asked curiously. Anxiety was shaken up from hearing what happened from taking it, but he himself wanted to know why on earth he'd taken it.

"Ah, yes, he was my test subject," Logan explained. "I must admit, it was extremely amusing to watch the drastic change in behavior."

Anxiety's eyes widened. Not another embarrassing story from this potion. "Oh! Please share!" Patton said excitedly.

"I can do better than that," Logan said, pulling out his phone with a smug smile. "I have video of it."

Anxiety gasped. This felt like pay back for making him explain. "You recorded it?!?"

"Well, as part of a scientific experiment, one must document their results and observations for records and/or further study if it is necessary," Logan said with a shrug as he pulled up the video and Roman rushed over to him and Patton to watch. Anxiety was horrified as he trudged over to see what had happened.

"Uh, Anxiety?"

He jumped a little, snapping out of his day dream, but keeping the lovesick look. "Oh, hey Logan," he said dismissively.

"Oh my goodness, he's already so different!" Patton gushed. Anxiety was already pulling up his hood.

He hummed, smiling. "I'm good."

"What are you thinking about?" Logan inquired, notepad ready to take notes.

The darkest of the Sides sighed dreamily. "Princey," he said, smiling as he said his name.

Roman's jaw dropped and Patton tried not to scream. Anxiety was trying to meld into the couch.

"God, isn't he amazing?" Anxiety gushed. "He has this perfect smile, and that laugh! And when sings, *sigh* it's like freaking angels blessed his voice."

"AWWWW!" Patton squealed, unable to resist. "That's so cute!!"

Roman was blushing as he looked over at Anxiety, who was hiding in his hoodie.

"What are you symptoms of these emotions?" Logan asked.

"Well it's like butterflies are dancing in your stomach, and you kinda feel lightheaded, but in a good way," Anxiety started to explain as he looked thoughtfully off somewhere else. "When I'm around him, my heart speeds up and jumps when we make eye contact, or any kind of contact really. Whenever he teases me, my cheeks feel like they're on fire."

"THAT IS SO CUTE!" Patton squealed again. "Is that how you feel around me, Logan?"

Logan blushed, nodding as he put away his phone. Patton's eyes were bright and wide as he took his arm and dragged him out of the room. Who knew what they were going to do together.

This left Anxiety and Roman in the common room. Anxiety was still curled up and hiding in his hoodie. "Uh, Anxiety?" the prince said softly. Anxiety raised his head ever so slightly to indicate that he had heard and that he was listening. "Did- did you mean all that?"

Anxiety looked up. "Well, yeah..." he murmured. "Why wouldn't I?"

Roman was speechless. "Princey? You okay?"

The dark Side couldn't get another word out before Roman kissed him passionately. His eyes were wide and his heart was racing. Last time they'd kissed, Anxiety had been under the effects of the potion, so he didn't exactly remember it. Roman's lips on his made him want to melt. His eyes slipped closed as he passionately kissed him back.

When they pulled away, Roman smiled. "Did your heart jump?"

Anxiety smiled, blushing. "Definitely."

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