Patton That's Not Juice (Logicality)

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This is going to be fun :P

Patton's POV:

Thomas had gone out with Joan and Talyn for the night, so his house was empty. I thought I saw some left over pizza so I'm totally not going to snag a piece. W-What are you talking about?

I opened the fridge to take out the box of pizza, when a strange bottle caught my eye. It looked like a bottle of apple juice! It had an apple tree on the side. I love apple juice!

I smiled as I picked up the bottle. I'm sure Thomas wouldn't mind. I frowned as I looked at the cap. It was weirdly shaped, and hurt my hand to try and twist it off. Oh! Isn't there a thing called a "bottle opener" for these? I rummaged through the drawers of the kitchen finding what I was looking for. I popped the cap off, jumping at the noise.

I put the bottle opener back and took a drink from the bottle. It tasted funny... I coughed a little. I didn't think it was apple juice, but it kinda tastes it only it was weird. It didn't taste bad, just strong with something I couldn't place. I took another few sips, realizing the more I drank it the better it tasted. Pretty soon I finished the whole bottle, and I felt really good!

I want another one!

Logan's POV:

Something was bothering me. I couldn't quite place it in, but I had a supposed "bad feeling" in my stomach. I stopped in front of Patton's room, contemplating knocking on the door. Sighing in frustration with the "feeling" in my stomach, I knocked. No response. I knocked again, this time louder.

"Patton?" I called. Nothing. I frowned, opening the door slowly. "Patton?"

He wasn't here. I frowned, confused. Where could he be? I left and enter the common room, finding Roman siting on the couch. His appearance was very... shocking. His face was bright red, and he had a hand over his mouth as he looked at the ground with wide eyes.

"Uh, Roman?"

He jumped, looking up at me. "Oh, greetings Logan," he said, fixing his hair. "Can I be of assistance?"

I nodded. "Do you know where Patton is?"

He shook his head. "Sorry, I don't know," he said. I nodded in the manner to say 'Thank you anyway' and continued looking.

He was no where in the mindscape. Had he sunk down? I sighed. Only one way to find out. I sunk down into Thomas' apartment. "Patton?"

I heard a loud gasp and then the sound of someone stumbling. Patton stumbled out of the kitchen, seeing me and smiling wide. "Logan!!" he exclaimed tripping forward. Fortunately, I caught him. He looked up at me with a big smile and pink cheeks. "Thanks Logan, you know, you're really sexy."

My cheeks grew warm as I quickly figured out what was going on upon seeing the nearly empty bottle in his hand. Patton was, without a doubt, drunk.

"Patton, what are you drinking?" I asked, try to take the bottle from him.

"APPLE JUICE!" he yelled happily. "It's sooooo good! Try some!"

I looked at the bottle. "Patton that's not juice," I said, taking it from him. "How many of these have you had?"

"Three!" Patton said, giggling. My eyes widened; Patton had had three bottles of hard cider. I checked the alcohol percentage. It was fairly high for cider, and considering Patton didn't recognize that it was alcohol from the taste, I inferred that he'd never had it before. This is not going to affect him well-

My train of thought was interrupted as I felt something pull on my necktie. My face felt extremely warm as I looked to see what was happening. Patton was pulling me by the necktie over to the couch.

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