Grimmly in Love (Prinxiety)

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Roman's POV:

I have a predicament. I have feelings for a certain emo nightmare and I have no idea how to confess! It's tearing me apart inside to keep it secret! But he's Virgil! I don't know how to confess to someone like him! He's so edgy and emo and cool and handsome and- whoa! Back on track Roman! I'm all over the place! What is wrong with me? One crush and I'm a stammering idiot.

I paced my room back and forth, kicking balled up pieces of paper that contained ideas and letters that I couldn't go through with. What was something we had in common? Disney! We both like Disney, so what can I do with that? Well, I think he might roll his eyes at Disney pickup lines, so fairytales? What's edgy about fairytales?

My eyes widened. Wait a tick, Virgil has these old story books written by the Brother's Grimm! They're the original tales before Disney made them into movies more suitable for all audiences. I snapped my fingers, thinking of a plan. I had to pull this off.

Virgil was successfully distracted in the kitchen by Patton, so I snuck into his room. I tried not to gawk at everything because it was so different from what my room looks like. I shook my head, focusing on the task at hand. I needed to get those books!

I found them on a small black bookshelf. I spotted four of them that would work. I stacked them in my arms and snuck back into my room without any problems.

Laying out the titles I had chosen, I brainstormed what I could write. Looking at "Cinderella", I took a slip a paper and wrote: "I would cut my toe off for you." It was a bit gruesome, but this is Virgil, not Patton, but it didn't feel romantic enough... I added to it: "but I'd rather not because it would make it harder to run after you."

I nodded with a smile. That's more like it. I looked at the next book I'd picked. It was "Rapunzel"; "Tangled" was one of my favorite Disney princess movies, however this story was very different. The prince falls in a thorn bush and goes blind. My eyes widened as I quickly wrote down the note.

"I would go blind for you, but I don't want to because then I wouldn't be able to look at your beautiful face."

I grinned; it was cheesy, but true. Everyone thinks we have the exact same face, but we're all slightly different. Those slight differences are what make Virgil breathtaking to me.

"The Little Mermaid" was the next book, and I already knew what I was going to write. "I wouldn't care if every step felt like glass shards if it meant I could be with you."

That remained the last book, "Snow White". I thought for a long time, not wanting to screw it up. There were so many things I could use, but I settled on one that I'd previously used in a video.

"You're the fairest of them all, I won't complain if for you I fall."

I looked at it, feeling disappointed that that was all I could come up with. I flipped the paper over, just writing a simple version of what I've been trying to say.

"I love you."

Before I could chicken out, I put the notes into their respective books and closed them. Now I had to hide them. Oh wait! I had to leave hints for each book so he finds them in order. I put the first one in front of his closed door, knowing he was inside. I slipped an arrow pointing to the common room behind my note. I hurried to there to place the book behind one of the cushions. I slipped the arrow into the book pointing to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, I tucked one of the books into a basket of fruit on the counter. That left the final book... I got an idea. I drew a little crown instead of an arrow and put it in the book in the basket. I bit my lip as I returned to my room. I focused my energy into transforming the room into my secret garden. I'd never shown anyone this... Virgil would be the first. I picked a single purple rose and placed the book on the ground where he would enter if he went through the door. I took a deep breath, going down the path and waiting by a hanging swing for Virgil to arrive.

Virgil's POV:

I couldn't find my Grimm books anywhere. I frowned, opening my door and staring in shock at "Cinderella", one of the books I was missing on the ground.

"What? That was not there before," I muttered to myself as picked it up. As I did so, I noticed a little slip of paper sticking out. I opened to the book seeing a note tucked inside and an arrow pointing toward the common room. My eye brows furrowed together as I unfolded the note.

"I would cut my toe off for you, but I'd rather not because it would make it harder to run after you."

My eyes widened as my heart beat faster. Who wrote this?! What did they mean? Did they take my books? I scowled, following the arrow the common room where I began to search for the next book. I found it under a cushion, pulling out the heavy book of "Rapunzel". There was another note and an arrow pointing to the kitchen. Who put this much effort into something? I unfolded the note and began to read it.

"I would go blind for you, but I don't want to because then I wouldn't be able to look at your beautiful face." 

I blushed with a nervous laugh. Who said this and were they serious?! I hurried to the kitchen, finding the third book in a basket on the counter. I opened "The Little Mermaid" and took out the note. I unfolded it, reading it with a racing heart.

"I wouldn't care if every step felt like glass shards if it meant I could be with you." 

Whoa... really? Did this person really care about me that much? Wow... who is it? Just as I had that thought, a slip of paper I hadn't noticed fell from the book. I picked it up, heart pounding. There was simply a crown on it. I knew what that meant...

Did... did Roman have feelings for me?

I rushed to his door, hesitating. Did I want to do this? What if I was interpreting everything wrong? What if this was a prank? Would Princey go that far for a prank? He wouldn't play with something as serious as love, would he? No... that was too important to him...

I took a deep breath and turned the handle.

There will be at least a part two ;)

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