They're a Little Competitive (Prinxiety)

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Logan Sanders' first introduction to his boyfriend's friend went like this:

The nerdy boy was being dragged by the hand by Patton Johnson, his boyfriend. He was stumbling from the force, trying to keep up. The boy didn't slow down as he continued to pull Logan toward a table. At said table, there were two boys with their eyes locked intensely. There was something about the them that made him assume they were together romantically, though Patton had confirmed they weren't.

"Logan, this is Roman and Virgil," he said with a smile as they stopped in front of the table, still holding hands.

They simply waved in acknowledgement of their presence, not breaking eye contact. Logan glanced at his boyfriend, deeply confused. "Uh, what are they... doing?" he asked, eyebrows furrowed together.

"They're having a staring contest," Patton explained with a smile, shaking his head. "Who knows why, they honestly do this kinda stuff all the time. They're a little bit competitive."

As he spoke, the two them blinked at the exact same time and promptly began to fight about who blinked first. Patton just pulled Logan to sit down, giggling at the pair of them. They'd eventually agreed that it was a draw, both muttering that they had really won under their breath.

"Nice to meet you, Logan," Roman greeted, shaking away the bitterness of his staring contest with the boy across from him.

"Ditto," Virgil muttered, shrugging.

Logan was about to ask if he'd done something wrong when his boyfriend spoke up. "He's like that most of the time, don't take it personally," Patton giggled. "He's actually excited to meet you."

He was doubtful of that statement by the way Virgil stared at his phone, however he didn't question his boyfriend further.

His second interaction with the two of them was when he moved into Patton's apartment, shared among the three of them as roommates. Shortly after moving in, Logan heard very heated yelling and insults flying between the two of them. He went to investigate, seeing Patton in the kitchen and the two of them on the couch. He hurried joined Patton, looking at the arguing pair with concern. 

"What's wrong?" he inquired, earning a laugh from his boyfriend.

"They're just playing Mario Kart," Patton explained, pointing to the T.V. that Logan hadn't noticed. It was displaying Mario Kart in which Roman and Virgil were neck and neck. "Like I said, they're competitive."

The third time Logan was exposed to their competitive nature, he was sitting in the kitchen, enjoying a spoon full of Crofters. The two of them were discussing something as they entered the room, voices raised. 

"I don't know what you're talking about Virgil, I'm so much better at kissing than you!" Roman quipped as they went over to the couch, supposedly to play something on the PS4. 

The emo nightmare scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Oh, please! I'm so good at kissing, you WISH you were as good as me," he retorted as he sat down as well. "Now can you shut up for once so we can play?"

"You're always such a pain, why am I even playing with you?" Roman snapped, glaring at him. "And I know for a fact I'm better than you."

"No you're not Roman!" Virgil practically yelled.

The other boy straightened his back to be taller and glared at him. "Okay, if you're so much better, why don't you prove it?!" he challenged. "Then we can see who's really better-"

He couldn't finish his sentence before Virgil grabbed his shirt and pressed their lips together forcefully. Logan's eyes widened as the pair of them kissed each other, clearly still angry, but also, passionate. The kiss deepened as Roman pushed his back to the couch without breaking apart. The intellectual friend's face flushed as he averted his eyes. 

They were just competitive. Definitely not romantically together. 

Merry Christmas! I'm going to TRY to get my classified project finished today as a Christmas present, as well as catch up with my works. I don't know if I'll have the time, but I'm going to try. 

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