Testing Boundaries (Prinxiety)

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Roman felt nervous for once. He'd always felt something when around the dark persona they all called Anxiety, but he never felt nervous. The princely Side was terrified; not of him, but of himself screwing up in front of him. The feeling left Roman confused. Nervousness around someone was something he typically developed when he had romantic feelings for them. That couldn't possibly be the case... could it?

He'd never liked Anxiety. His whole presence irritated him at the start: holding Thomas back, making him paranoid about things that didn't matter. That's all he did; or so Roman had thought.

As he began to learn more about the emo nightmare, the prince began to see things about him that he'd overlooked before. It became clearer when he visited his room with Thomas and the others. He'd surprised himself at what he'd said to him, having not thought of him as anything but a burden.

Now, as he recorded videos with Virgil, previously Anxiety, Roman felt nervous. He wanted to keep up his confident and playful facade, but not to an extent that Virgil still believed he disliked him. He felt his heart beat just a little fast whenever he was talking to him.

Today, Roman was taking deep breaths, preparing himself to sink down into Virgil's room. Last time he'd been in there, the stormy night resembling Side had rescued him and the others. The prince felt his heart flutter at the memory. Closing his eyes, he now sunk down to enter the dismal kingdom of Anxiety's room once again.

Virgil was on his bed, sketching as he listened to music when Roman popped up in his room. He panicked briefly, hiding his sketchbook behind him before the prince opened his eyes. He was about to speak, but the creative Side spoke first.

"Apologies for the scare, I wish there was a way to knock before entering but no one knows how to get to your door," he explained bashfully, feeling his heart rate increase; a side affect of the room. "I wanted to speak with you about something, but if you're busy I can always come back."

Virgil looked surprise at the princely Side's approach to the situation, but nodded. He knew the room was already taking affect by his immediate reassurance that he could leave. The room made others anxious, and caused them to ramble. "It's alright, I'm not busy."

"Well then, um," Roman stammered, heart hammering in his chest as his nerves that had already existed were amplified by the room. "Uh, n-no one is more surprised than me, but then again I haven't told anyone, so maybe
I'm wrong, but I'd like to confess that I- uh, I have developed romantic feelings for you."

There was silence, and a pair of wide eyes staring at him. "I totally get it if that freaks you out and you want me to leave, like I can totally do that and we can pretend that this never happened and-"


"Like you probably don't have those feelings and I should just leave cause I'm terrible with words despite being confident-"

Virgil wasn't listening anymore. He was getting up and walking over to the stammering Prince. He took his hand as he continued to ramble, teleporting them to the Imagination. Roman blinked, gasping as breathing became much easier. Virgil was staring at him with concern. "You alright, Princey?"

Roman nodded slowly, taking deep breaths. The anxious Side looked confused. "Why on earth would you try and confess something like that in my room?" he asked, still looking worried. "You know it corrupts you guys and makes you guys freak out."

"I know, that was stupid," the prince sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration at himself.

This had been a disaster, and Virgil had yet to say if he returned his feelings, which more than likely meant he didn't. "Roman, I'm shocked, and I... I kinda feel the same?" the anxious Side said, avoiding eye contact as Prince looked at him. "I dunno! I'm not good with romance! That's your thing!"

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