Cursed to Speak Up (Prinxiety)

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Virgil's stomach was filled with dread as he slowly made his way back to the mindscape from his travels to the Imagination. He'd had a run in with a dragon witch, and it... it hadn't ended well. He'd accidentally crushed her moonflower garden, so she'd cursed him out of anger. Dragon witches weren't always evil, but piss them off and you were certain to get punished. The curse was simple: he would blurt out whatever secret he was thinking about with no control.

His nerves were a mess as he returned to the mindscape, painfully aware that it would soon become very apparent that he couldn't control what came out of his mouth. He tried to sneak by the common room, where the other three were, but Patton caught him.

"Virgil!" he called. The darkest of the Sides froze as he cringed. "Come on! Join us!"

He groaned, knowing he couldn't refuse. Virgil turned on his heel and walked into the common room. They greeted him and continued conversing. Virgil tried not to think about anything that would make him reveal something he wouldn't want them to know.

"Yeah! But she had this amazing makeup-"
"I do other things with makeup besides my eyeshadow!"

Three heads swiveled in his direction. "Where did that come from?" Roman wondering out loud, saying what they were all thinking.

Virgil slapped a hand over his mouth and shrunk away, blushing furiously. "I-It's nothing!" he snapped before immediately confessing. "I'm cursed!"

His eyes widened as he groaned. He hid his face in his hands. Logan and Patton looked confused as Roman started to laugh. "Someone pissed of a dragon witch, didn't you?" he asked. Virgil nodded sadly. Logan and Patton both had expressions of realization. "He has to blurt whatever secret he's thinking of."

Roman had a sly grin on his face, one that Patton soon mimicked. Logan raised a curious eyebrow. "What kind of makeup?" Patton asked excitedly.

"Like date night looks, and casual looks, and diva looks-" Virgil rambled before once again covering his mouth. The three of them chuckled a little, well, Roman was laughing like crazy.

"That's really cool Virgil!" Patton said, genuinely proud of his dark strange son for having a creative outlet.

"What else do you do that you keep from us?" Logan inquired. Virgil shook his head, trying to hide. "Do you-"

"I play the guitar!" he blurted. The other three looked at him in surprise. "I play the guitar..."

"That's impressive!" Logan assured him. Virgil gave him a weak smile.

"Anything else you don't wish to share?" Roman asked, a sly smile on his face. The darkest of the Sides' face flushed as he desperately shook his head. "No? Nothing?"

"I like someone!"

All three of them froze in shock. Virgil realized what he said and looked at them, pleadingly. "Please guys! Don't make me say who it is!" he begged. "This is bad enough as it is, but feelings are private! Please!"

Patton and Logan each put a hand instinctively on his shoulder. "Of course not," Logan said, eyebrows furrowing together.

"We wouldn't do that Virgil," Patton comforted him with a smile. Of course, the two of them wouldn't... but Roman...

He needed to know. Because he was... curious... *cough*

A few days later, Roman cornered him in the common room while Patton and Logan when out on a date. "So," he started with a smirk that made Virgil's heart speed up for multiple reasons. "You've got a crush, huh?"

The darkest of the Sides paled, then blushed. "C-Come on Princey, you guys said you wouldn't," he stammered.

"Correction, Logan and Patton said they wouldn't, I never did," he said. He backed him up against the wall. "Besides I'm curious, I want to know."

"No," he replied, thinking about everything but his feelings for Roman.

"Come on! Virgil, just think about his smile, and his eyes," he murmured mischievously. "His laugh, his hair, how it would feel to kiss him."

No! No! No! Virgil thought, he desperately tried to distract himself. Animals! Bears! Teddy bears! Carnivals! Dates! Hand holding! Love! Roman-

"I have a crush on you!"

Virgil's eyes went wide as everything stopped. He'd said it. He'd tried so hard and now, he'd said it. Roman's eyes were wide as he stared at he shaking Side he was pinning to the wall. "It's me?" he echoed. Virgil bit his lip as he looked down. He nodded the tiniest bit. "Virgil..."

The darkest of Sides didn't look up. "Virgil, look at me please," Roman told him, his voice gentle. He did, looking up to meet his eyes.

The prince-like character smiled, leaning forward and pressing his lips to Virgil's gently. He let out a muffled gasp as Roman's lips touched his. When he pulled away, Virgil's jaw was hanging open and his eyes were wide as he looked at him. Roman smiled at him brushing his nose to Virgil's. "I return your crush Virgil."

"R-Really?" he asked, a shaky smile forming. The prince laughed a little.

"Virgil? Why would I have just kissed you if I was lying?" he said with a smile. "Yes, Virgil, I really do."

They shared smiles, resting each other's foreheads to each other. "Also you're welcome, because to be freed of that curse, you have to be kissed," Princey said with a smile.

"Really?" Virgil asked incredulously. Roman nodded. "Whoa... well, thank you..."

"It wasn't the only reason I kissed you of course," he clarified. "I've been wanting to feel your lips on mine for what feels like forever."

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