Something Like That (Prinxiety)

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Logan and Patton had been together for a little while now, and frankly, it was nice. They would cuddle together during movie night, or make breakfast together. Roman was pleased to finally see them together, having had to suffer through them blushing and bashfully looking away when making eye contact too long. However as cute as it was, it saddened him.

He watched the two of them leave the common room, probably to cuddle and read or something. "Do you ever wish you had something like that?"

Anxiety, who was scrolling through Tumblr on his phone, looked up. Roman looked over, confused for a moment before he realized he had said that out loud. His cheeks heated up as he shook his head. "A-Apologizes, I didn't realize I had spoken out loud."

The darker side didn't take his eyes off the prince. "You... you want a relationship like that?" he asked quietly. Roman looked back up, meeting his gaze sadly.

"Yes..." he murmured. "More than anything... To hold or to be held by the person I love most... To kiss their lips whenever I feel like... To be able to tell them I love them instead of having to hide it behind hatred-"

Roman's eyes widened as his blood ran cold. He had completely forgotten that he was speaking out loud, and to somebody. The specific somebody whom he happened to be referring to. Anxiety's jaw was hanging open.

"What are you implying?" he asked, still holding Roman's gaze. Said prince panicked upon being asked that question.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" he exclaimed, his voice raising significantly in pitch. "What would I be implying? Nothing! I couldn't possibly be unintentionally confessing my feelings for the person I love-"

Roman stopped again, slapping a hand over his mouth. He'd seriously slipped up now. Anxiety's eyes were wide. "You l-love me?" he asked timidly.

The prince looked down, nodding shyly before looking back up with his eyes. There was silence. Roman feared he'd made a terrible mistake. His fear heightened when Anxiety began to cry. Roman quickly moved next to his opposite, clutching his hand gently to comfort him.

"Oh, no... no, no, no, shh, it's okay..." Roman said softly, guilt overwhelming him. He let his head hang low as he pulled his hands back. "I'm sorry..."

To his surprise, Anxiety reached out quickly to take his hand, looking up with wide watery eyes. "D-Do you actually l-love me?" he asked. Roman nodded. "Y-You're not j-just saying that?"

Roman shook his head, holding one of the other's hands in both and raising it to his lips. He placed a gentle kiss before looking back at him. "I love you more than life itself," he murmured softly. Anxiety cried a little more. Roman looked at him in dismay. "D-Did I do something wrong?"

"No! No, god, no," Anxiety said quickly. "I've just n-never had s-someone feel that way toward me before... It means so much to me... You don't even know..."

Roman felt his heart soar. He took this as the perfect moment to kiss him. And that he did. Soon after Roman had the relationship he had been hoping for, with the love of his life. They didn't have to sadly watch Logan and Patton cuddle and kiss. The two of them finally had something like that.

Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now