Bonding Moment (Slight Prinxiety)

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Voltron AU

Virgil hung up his hoodie, trying to relax his naturally tense body when there was a knock at his door. He sighed a little before answering it. "Yeah?" he called, allowing the automatic door to open. To his surprise, none other than Roman walked into his room.

"Hey man, I just wanted to talk with because... well, because I've been worrying about something," he said as he entered the room. 

Virgil smirked, crossing his arms. "Must really be bothering you if you're coming to talk to me," he commented.

"Well, you're the leader now right?" he asked, looking uncomfortable.

The paladin of the black and red lions looked down, sighing a little. "I guess..."

"I've been doing some math," Roman started. "With Thomas back that makes six paladins, but there are only five lions and if I'm right, that's one paladin too many."

"Solid math," Virgil replied, trying to see where this was going.

"Look, when Thomas takes over the black lion, you're going to want your red lion back. If I get a lion that means I'd have to take Blue from Talyn," he explained. "They've progressed a lot faster than any of us did. They might even be able to unlock powers we don't know of."

"That's true," Virgil said softly, feeling himself shrug a little. 

 Roman sighed heavily. "So, maybe the best thing I can do for the team is step aside."

"What are you talking about?" he questioned, eyes widening in confusion at this sudden issue. It confused him that he felt like he should leave. 

"This isn't a participation game. This is war, and you want your best soldiers on the front lines," the paladin of the red and blue lions said, voice steady as he reasoned. He seemed confident despite talking about giving up his position as a paladin of Voltron. 

Virgil took a deep breath. "Stop worrying about who flies what, and just focus on your missions," he said, trying his best to be comforting despite feeling super uncomfortable with the fact that Roman had chosen him to confide in. "Things will work themselves out."

"Okay... thanks..." he replied, heading for the door.

As it opened, Virgil spoke up again, smirking. "And Roman?" he said, getting him to turn. "Leave the math to Logan."

The comment made him smile gratefully as he left and made Virgil's face burn once the door closed. "'Leave the math to Logan'?! What the heck does that even mean?!" he questioned himself, feeling stupid as he blushed. "You can cradle the guy in your arms but you can't flirt with him?! Ugh!"

Roman heard him from just outside his door, laughing a little under his breath as his cheeks warmed. He smiled affectionately at the door before walking away, feeling much better. 

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