Never Say That Again (Logicality)

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I saw this done with Royality in @BobnSteve180 one shots book and I thought it was hysterical so I wanna do a Logicality one

Logan was sitting with Patton in his car as they drove over to his apartment. The college student had recently been visiting his parents. He was complaining about how homophobic they were, telling him that his lifestyle was going to get him nowhere in life. "It just feels... awful," Logan explained, unsure of himself. He wasn't great with feelings. "They were so supportive of me. They pushed me to be smart, better, always proud of me... Now, they couldn't care less..."

"Ugh, your parents make me so mad," Patton said, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "I'm gonna be your dad now; AND your mom. Your Dom!"

Logan's jaw fell open as his eyes widened in realization of what he just said. "WAIT! SHOOT! NO!" he yelped as his intellectual friend laughed. Patton groaned in dread. "I didn't mean it like that!"

He kept laughing, gasping for breath. Logan had a thought; something that would make his friend blush like crazy. When he'd said he'd be his new father, he'd thought about how amazing he was with kids. Their friends Roman and Virgil had adopted a little girl, and Logan had once seen Patton playing with her. He was a natural with kids, which made him the 'Dad Guy' of the group of friends. Logan smirked a little, deciding to act on the thought. He leaned closer to Patton, tilting his head to the side innocently.


Patton's eyes went wide as he swerved the car. Logan laughed as he steadied the car, pulling into the apartment building's parking lot. He turned, looking at him with a stern glare.

"Never say that again," he snapped, cheeks flushed bright red. Logan faked a clueless look, appearing innocent. "Seriously! Never say that again! Logan, what the- UGH!"

Patton got out of the car, heading into his apartment. He was fuming with embarrassment and slight anger at his friend for saying such a thing. Logan looked confused, quickly following him inside.

"Patton, what did I do? Did I make you upset?" he asked as he followed him inside. "I-I apologize! I was joking!"

He soon found himself pinned up against the door, gasping as he looked at Patton. "You don't call me that unless I tell you to," he muttered, lips brushing Logan's as he spoke. He nodded dumbly, heart racing as he blushed. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time Logan... do you want this too?"

Logan realized Patton's gaze had raised to his eyes. He was asking his permission to kiss him, he could tell. Relief washed over him as he realized that Patton was still Patton. He wouldn't do anything without his consent.

"Yes," Logan breathed. Patton smiled too, capturing his lips passionately. When they broke apart, he smiled to himself.

"What is it?" Patton said, smiling down at him. Logan laughed a little, resting his arms around his neck as he pulled him closer. "What are you smiling about?"

"Just thinking about how disappointed my parents would be if they saw me and how I really don't care."

I'm so sorry XD

I'm so sorry XD

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