Mine (Prinxiety & Logicality)

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Virgil's POV:

"I'm sure." he'd said.
"I won't be scared." he'd said.

I raised my eyebrow at Logan, who was currently hiding behind his legs as we watched IT. He looked ridiculous; the normally stoic, intellectual Side was now cowering like a four year old from a clown. "What happened to not getting scared?" I asked him.

Logan opened his mouth to respond when there was a sudden jump scare. He shrieked and grabbed onto me in a hug around my waist. I stifled a laugh the best I could as I looked down at him.

Patton's POV:

I heard Virgil and Logan in the common room watching something, so I went to go check on them with a smile on my face. That smile fell when I saw Logan react to something scary happening by hugging Virgil around the waist.

Was... was he having an affair with Virgil? Would he do that to me? Would Logan of all people do that? And would Virgil do that to Roman?

I quickly left, heading for Roman's room while trying not to panic. There's no REAL proof Patton, breathe.

Roman's POV:

There was a very urgent knock on my door, leading me to frown before opening it. A very worried Patton stood in my doorway. "What's the matter-"

He pushed me into my room and closed the door behind him. "I think- key word THINK- Virgil and Logan are havinganaffair!"

He spoke so urgently and quickly that I almost didn't catch what he said. When I comprehended it, my blood ran cold. "What makes you think that?" I asked him, praying he hadn't seen anything.

"Logan hugged Virgil around the waist when he got scared by the movie they're watching together."

I paled. Would Virgil cheat on me? No, surely not! He was constantly worried about whether or not I would break up with him; we would have talks whenever he expressed that concern. Yet, my gut was churning uncomfortably.

"I'll go ask them," I said as calmly as I could.

Logan's POV:

I blushed dark red as I realized what I did. "Sorry!" I gasped, pulling away. "I forgot you weren't Patton."

I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment as he laughed. I had a habit of hugging Patton around the waist, and now it seemed to be rubbing off on my daily functions. Roman came into the room, looking unhappy.

"Never before have I hope Patton was wrong as much I do now," he said with a shake of his head.

Virgil's POV:

I looked at Princey in confusion as I recovered from laughing. "What are you talking about Princey?" I asked with a confused smile. He frowned even more.

"Patton has reason to believe that you two," he said, gesturing to us, "are having an affair."

My eyes widened in shock and surprise. I looked a Logan in confusion, he doing the same. When I looked back at Roman, I laughed a little. "You're, uh, you're joking right?"

"I wish I was," Roman said, completely serious. "He told me he saw you two doing something that looked romantic."

I looked at Logan in confusion again. He looked equally confused before realizing something. "Roman, did he by any chance say I hugged Virgil around the waist?"

He nodded, frowning with hurt clear in his eyes. Logan and I looked at each other before busting out laughing. "Roman, that's something I do with Patton that I accidentally did to Virgil because of a jump scare!" he exclaimed, still laughing. "We're watching IT and it's truly terrifying."

I rolled my eyes as he continued to laugh a little, leaning toward Roman. "He told me he wouldn't get scared but was hiding behind his knees like a four year old and hugging me like a koala," I told him with a chuckle.

The prince flushed with embarrassment. "I see, apologies you two," he said before turning and leaving.

Patton's POV:

Roman came back into the room, sighing. "Good news, they're not," he told me. I sighed in relief. "Bad news, they're still getting to watch the movie together and we've got nothing to do."

He pouted as I giggled a little. "Why don't we go join them?" I suggested. He smiled, nodding.

As when entered the common room, I sat down and pulled Logan close to me as he gasped. "You can hold me when you get scared," I told him with a smile. He returned it, moving closer to me.

Roman's POV:

I pulled Virgil close to me as the movie continued. The lights were off so it was dark and Patton and Logan wouldn't noticed what I was about to do. I pressed my lips to Virgil's neck, earning a soft gasp. "R-Roman? What are you-"

"Shh," I told him. "I'm just reminding you that you're mine."

I could tell his face was bright red as I marked his neck once. "Why on earth would I cheat on you, Roman?" he asked in a whisper. I pulled him closer to cuddle him.

"I don't think you ever would, I was just scared," I explained. He kissed my lips softly.

"Don't be," he said with a smile. "I'm yours, remember?"

I smirked rubbing our noses together. "Mine," I echoed, holding him close as the movie continued.

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