Behind the Camera (Prinxiety)

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Requested, human AU

"Cause every night I lie in bed, the brightest colors fill my head, a million dreams are keeping me awake. I think of what the world could be, a vision of the one I see, a million dreams is all it's gonna take. A million dreams for the world we're gonna make...."

Roman was in awe as he listened to the voice fade out. This solo cover of "A Million Dreams" had popped up in his recommendations, and being obsessed with "The Greatest Showman", he'd clicked. Immediately he'd been drawn into the sound of a familiar voice. He didn't know where he'd heard it from, but he knew he recognized it.

Curious to know more about this mystery singer, Roman clicked on his profile. Watching video after video, he noticed the trend. He never showed his face. Intrigued and finding himself enjoying the content, the prince-like young man hit subscribe.

Virgil looked up from his work as a notification from YouTube lit up his phone. He picked it up, eyes widening as he realized what it said.

Roman had subscribed to his secret YouTube channel.

Yes, Virgil had a YouTube channel; it consisted of mostly conspiracy videos, but occasionally he'd post a song or two. He never recorded his face. Now that Roman subscribed, he was certainly not going to. He'd just lay low and hope not to get caught.

A few months went by and one of his videos went viral. His subscribers started shooting upwards, along with his views. Virgil couldn't help but feel a little proud of himself as he recorded another cover in celebration of 10 million subscribers.

Roman happened to be walking by his door as he recorded the outro, thanking everyone for all the support he'd been getting. His eyes widened as realization hit him in he face. It was VIRGIL! That's why his voice was so familiar! He backed away, not wanting to get caught knowing he wouldn't react well. He smiled to himself though, listening from the hallway to him talk.

"How did I not realize sooner?" he murmured to himself, getting an idea.

Another month went by, and Virgil's channel was bigger than ever. People were starting to wonder who he was. In fact, Patton brought it up one night he and Logan came over. "I wonder who that guy really is," he said as Roman flipped through his videos. "He never shows his face, right?"

"Nope, and that's too bad," Roman said, smirking. He stole a glance toward Virgil, who was looking surprisingly unfazed by the conversation. "I'd totally kiss the guy."

That did it; Virgil's eyes widened and flicked toward him, blinking. Roman didn't meet them, smiling to himself mischievously.

"Why? You've no idea who he is," Logan commented from across the room. "For all you know, he may not even be a 'he'."

He hummed thoughtfully. "That's possible, but very unlikely," Roman replied. "I do hope that he reveals himself though, because I will legit kiss him if he does."

Patton laughed, enjoying the silliness while Virgil stared at his hands. Roman smirked, knowing the hook had worked. A few weeks later, when Virgil's ever growing channel hit 15 million subscribers, a vlog came out the broke the internet.

"Hey, uh, bet you weren't expecting this," Virgil said in the video as Roman watched it with wide eyes. "Hi everyone, it's me. This... this is what I look like."

He gestured to himself half enthusiastically, laughing sarcastically. "I figured it was finally time to show my face, considering how many of you support me. You guys deserve to know who I am, so hi."

The rest of the video went on to thank everyone for their support and tell them about himself. Roman smiled and put away his tablet, heading over to knock on his flatmate's door. He answered it, looking confused. "Yeah, Princey-mmf!"

Before he could finish his sentence their lips were connected. Virgil gasped as his friend pulled him closer by the waist. After a brief moment, Roman pulled away to look at his shocked face with a wide smile. "I told you I'd kiss him if he revealed his face," he said as Virgil's face flushed.

It didn't take him very long to figure out that he had known. "How'd you know?"

"Walked in while you were recording once," Roman explained, his friend nodding in understanding. "Is this alright, then?"

Three months later...

"Hey guys, welcome to the Boyfriend Tag, with my boyfriend, Roman!"

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