Lightning Between Us (Prinxiety)

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Virgil and Roman had been ignoring the tension between them for months. It wasn't a hateful tension, no, not anymore. It was romantic. The two of them could feel it in the air around them when they were near each other but neither of them said anything.

One afternoon, Patton and Logan were out on a date, so the two of them were watching a Disney movie in the common room. It was raining outside, adding the peaceful sound of rain to the scene. The two of them continued to ignore the tension as they enjoyed Moana on the T.V. Roman sang along, making Virgil secretly swoon over his voice.

Suddenly the T.V. and the room went black as a deafening clap of thunder sounded with a blinding flash of lighting. Virgil let out a muffled scream as he became as small as possible, shaking like a leaf. Roman moved over to him in concern, eyes wide and alert.

"Anxiety?! What's wrong?!" he asked urgently, worry lacing his voice. Virgil shook his head and whimpered as another flash of lightning lit up the room before it became dark again. "Virgil, are you afraid of lightning and the dark?"

The terrified Side nodded a tiny bit, curling up even more. Roman tried to think of what he could do, beginning to hum a tune. "Look around, there's no one but you and me," he sung softly, wrapping his arm around Virgil. He looked up with teary eyes. "Right here and now, the way it was meant to be. There's a smile on my face, knowing that together everything that's in our way, we're better than alright."

Virgil continued to stare at him, mouth slightly open as Roman smiled at him and continued. "Walking between the raindrops, riding the aftershock beside you. Off into the sunset, living like there's nothing left to lose. Chasing after gold mines, crossing the fine lines we knew. Hold on and take a breath, I'll be there every step, walking between the raindrops with you."

Virgil smiled a little, though it wavered as another flash of lightning struck outside. Roman pulled him closer. "Why are you scared of lightning, Virgil?" he asked softly, trying to distract him.

"I-It's b-bright and I know that t-thunder f-follows and that's l-loud and scary-"

"Oh Virgil," Roman murmured, letting the Side cry into his chest as another clap of thunder sounded. "Think of lightning as a good thing."

"How?" Virgil asked, looking up at him. Roman blushed but continued.

"Well, we have lighting," he said. The emo nightmare's eyes widened in shock. Roman gestured between the two of us. "We have... a tension between us, it's like lightning."

Virgil still looked confused as Roman searched his gaze. He sighed, mad at himself for what he was about to risk. He gently grabbed his face and pressed his lips to Virgil's. He gasped but didn't pull away, entranced by the electricity he felt between their lips. When he slowly pulled away, Roman was breathlessly silent for a moment. "Like that..."

"Like lightning..." Virgil murmured touching his lips with a breathless smile. Roman's heart soar as he beamed, nodding. There was another flash of lightning outside, but Virgil didn't even flinch. "I think I'm not scared of lightning anymore."

Roman gasped a little in shock as Virgil leaned into his chest. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around him. "I feel lightning around you Roman," Virgil said quietly.

"I feel lightning around you too Virgil."

Requested by this person:

Btw I added the song Princey sings to the top cause it's a gorgeous song

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Btw I added the song Princey sings to the top cause it's a gorgeous song

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