Worried Rival (Prinxiety)

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Every single year, since Roman moved in with his friend, Logan, he and the neighbor next to them competed over who was more festive. During February, they'd put out Valentines decorations, followed by spring decorations in the following months. There was a break between then and when the competition got real. Halloween... Christmas... God, they went all out for those two.

Every year. They were rivals of their own choice, and they were determined to one-up the other.

However, one day, Roman was walking home during the month of December. He'd already put up his lights, as he always did on December 1st. He put them up every year on the same day, and his neighbor, Virgil, put it up the next day. Today was December 2nd, so he expected to see Virgil's lights as he approached his house.

There was a strange feeling in his chest as he reached it, realizing that the lights hadn't been put up. This was the first time in almost six years that Virgil didn't put up his lights on December 2nd. Roman frowned worriedly, not quite sure why he was so concerned. Maybe he'd had to go somewhere? Maybe he'd forgotten? How could he forget? No, there had to be a reason why he hadn't put his lights up, and he was concerned with what it was.

He approached the side of his house, hearing soft sniffling coming from his backyard. Roman peaked his head through the open gate of his fence, biting his lip anxiously. His eyes widened at the sight of his neighbor sitting in his backyard, crying.

"Hey," he managed, approaching him awkwardly. Virgil looked up, wiping at his cheeks and eyes.

"G-Great, what the hell do you want?" he asked bitterly, turning his face away. "Come to rub how much better you are, because that's exactly what I need right now."

Roman shook his head with a concerned and sad frown as he knelt down next to him. "What? No! I was- I was..." he started, feeling his cheeks warm as Virgil looked at him. "I- uh- I didn't see your lights up, and I got worried..."

He realized how lame that sounded, cringing. Virgil was staring at him in shock and confusion.
"Why?" he muttered, looking away. "It's just lights..."

"It's more than just lights," Roman said, a little too quickly. He flushed as his neighbor looked back his direction in confusion. "We do it every year. We do it every year on the exact same day. I was looking forward to seeing them and I knew there had to be something wrong for you not to put them up. Can you please tell me what's got you crying?"

Virgil was looking at him in astonishment. "D-Do you ever feel like you're a speck? Just a tiny little speck in this giant universe that's so small that no one would notice if you disappeared?" he said quietly. Roman nodded a little, frowning. "B-Because nobody would..."

He curled up a little, more tears falling down his cheeks. Roman's heart broke, making him sit down next to him and put an arm around his shoulders. "I would," he said quietly with a sad smile. Virgil looked at him with wide teary eyes.

"What- why?" he asked incredulously. Roman blushed furiously, biting his lip nervously. He took a deep breath and leaned in close to Virgil's face. "R-Roman? What-"

Roman pressed his lips gently to his, earning a shocked gasp from his rival. Virgil quickly melted under his lips, sighing in content. His hands found the back of his neck as Roman's looped around his waist. When they broke apart, they shared tiny smiles and pressed their foreheads together.

"So much for rivals," Virgil mumbled with a smile as Roman hummed in agreement. "Thank you, Roman."

My Wattpad is freaking out so republishing

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