Curse of Acting (Prinxiety)

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It was a pleasant night, or at least started out as one. Roman was the starring in a musical, having landed the lead. Virgil, being the supportive boyfriend he tried to be, had come to see him perform. He didn't know anything about the show, just that Roman was the lead. He was unpleasantly surprised when his boyfriend passionately started kissing the other lead.

He couldn't help it. Jealousy and unprovoked hatred washed over him as he watched his Roman kiss her. Virgil knew it was acting. He knew it meant nothing to either of them, especially given that one of them was gay and in a relationship. However, he couldn't help it. He hated seeing him kiss someone else. 

When the curtain came down and the cast left out the stage door, Roman was bouncing with excitement as he hugged his boyfriend. "Hey sweetheart! I'm so glad you came!" he exclaimed. "Did you enjoy it?"

Virgil forced a smile and nodded. "Yeah, it was great," he replied simply. "You were great."

Roman smiled though his eyes showed something else as they headed to their car. They were uncharacteristically quiet, which worried him even more. "Virgil, are you alright?" 

"Do you always kiss her like that?" he asked, voice low as he crossed his arms and avoided eye contact. 

His boyfriend's eyes were wide as his mouth fell open. "Are you upset over that? Really?" he questioned, mixed feelings of annoyance, hurt, amusement, and worry overriding his mind. Virgil didn't reply, leading to him sighing as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Look, I'm sorry for asking you to come. I knew you'd react like this."

"React like what?" Virgil snapped, getting more annoyed. 

"Please Virgil, don't play dumb," his boyfriend muttered with a bitter laugh as they started driving. "I can't believe you still get so... jealous over a stupid kiss."

He huffed indignantly. "Maybe if you kissed me like that I wouldn't have a reason to be jealous," he retorted before his eyes widened. He'd slipped up, not wanting to let Roman know he was actually jealous. His boyfriend looked over at him briefly before his eyes focused on the road. They were in an uncomfortable silence until they got to their apartment. Once inside, Virgil was pushed roughly against the wall.

"So you want me to kiss you like that then," Roman muttered as he leaned in close and connected their lips passionately. "I don't know why I bother asking you to come to my shows. You always get pissed off."

They were kissing again, roughly since both of them were angry. "Maybe that's because I don't like to see my boyfriend kiss some girl with more passion than he kisses me with," Virgil mumbled, glaring at him. 

Roman growled and connected their lips again, biting down on his boyfriend's slightly to elicit a gasp. When they broke apart, Virgil's hands were trying to find his hair, but he pinned them above his head. "Don't accuse me of not having passion, I'll show you passion," he said, voice deep. This earned a cocky laugh from his pinned boyfriend. 

"Show me then," he taunted. Roman complied with his request, pressing their lips together again. He kissed him like he wasn't physically able to pull away. It was when both of them were starting to feel lightheaded and their lips were bruised that they stopped. 

The actor pulled away as they panted, anger having vanished. Virgil leaned his head back against the wall, completely under his control. I could go further, he thought as his boyfriend moved in a way that exposed his neck. He smiled, shaking his head. No, I don't want or need to go further to show him I love him.

Roman leaned forward to press their lips together more gently, releasing his hands and holding his face. Virgil was pleasantly surprised by the change, his arms finding their way around his neck. When they broke apart, their eyes met. 

"I'm sorry about having to watch me kiss other people," Roman said. "It's part of my job, and it's my least favorite part. None of them are you. None of them can kiss like you. But it's my job, and I love acting."

"Roman, I'm not actually mad," his boyfriend replied, smiling a little. "I mean, yeah, it sucks having to watch you kiss other people, but I know it's just an act, and I know how much you love acting. I'd never make you quit, or not come to one of your shows. I'm just being petty, Roman, I'm not mad at you."

The actor sighed in relief as he kissed him again gently. "Ow!" Virgil gasped as he pulled away. "I think you busted my lip."

They shared a laugh as they leaned into each other. "I guess I'm just too passionate for you," he mumbled playfully. His boyfriend giggled a little with a nod.

"Good, I like it when you're more dominant," he said flirtatiously with a wink. Roman blushed at the specific mention of being the dominant one, embarrassed as he smiled.

"Then I guess I'll have to show how dominant I am more often."

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