Water and Fire (Prinxiety)

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Roman's wings carried him over the treetops of forests toward the ocean. The breeze that came from it was beckoning him closer. He smiled at the way the wind ruffled his normally perfect hair, surprisingly not mad that he'd have to fix it. He landed on the beach, kicking up water and sand as he ran around. He'd always seen the beach from afar, but never got up enough motivation to go to it. Now that he was here, he was extremely glad he'd come.

Pumping his wings, he shot into the air with a flurry of sand. Roman soared over the sea, dipping the tips of his fingers and wings into the cool ocean. He'd never felt so alive before.

He was slowed to a stop upon seeing a strange, massive ship. There was yelling and chaos coming from it. He frowned as he dared to fly closer, eyes widening as he realized what was happening.

They were humans! Humans that were dragging something out of the ocean onto their boat with a massive net. The creature was much too large to be a fish. Roman peered closer, blood running cold as he realized it was another person, well, half person. They appeared male, half of his body a gorgeous black and purple fish-like tail. He fought against the humans as they hauled him on board, his anger starting to turn to desperation. Something about it made Roman feel hot... like, really hot. He glared angrily at the humans, angling himself to dive toward them. He let his dragon side kick in, roaring as he shot a fire ball at the ship's mast.

The humans let out shrieks and yells as the mast fell. Roman didn't hesitate, diving down to land on the deck. He met the creature's eyes as he ripped the net apart with his claws. Without another word, he scooped him into his arms and took off, leaving the yelling humans to tend to their ruined boat.

Roman flew them back to the beach, laying the creature down gently on the sand. Their eyes stayed locked as he did so. "Uh, hey?" he managed. "What- what are you?"

He didn't answer at first, staring at him with wide eyes. He tried to get around him, shooting for the ocean as he pushed himself with his arms the best he could. Roman stopped him, seeing that he was in a panic. "Whoa! Whoa! Calm down! I'm not gonna hurt you!" 

"What are you?!" the half man, half fish, said fearfully. 

"I'm Roman, and I'm a half dragon," he explained quickly, trying to reassure the strange creature he wasn't a threat. "I'm sorry if I scared you-"

"No, no, I should thank you..." he cut him off, looking away. "I would be a slave right now if you hadn't showed up and rescued me... I'm Virgil, and I'm a merman."

Roman's eyes widened as Virgil looked away. He offered a smile. "Hey, I'm very glad I could help!" he said, making the merman look up curiously. He made his way back to the ocean, sighing in relief upon feeling the water around him again. He turned to swim away when the half  dragon called to him. "Wait!" 

Virgil turned, looking toward him with wide eyes. The half dragon blushed a little, rubbing the back of his head. "Could you... maybe... meet me here tomorrow?" he asked shyly. "You don't have to, but I'll be here..."

The merman nodded, already internally contemplating whether or not he would. Without another word, Virgil disappeared into the water, making the half dragon sigh wistfully. He sincerely hoped he saw him again tomorrow. 

Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now