Trade Mistakes (Part 2) (Prinxiety)

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Two Years Later...

Virgil woke up and the first thing he did was check his phone. His eyes widened as he realized what he was seeing all over the news. Roman Prince had become a big hit over the past couple years in movies and Broadway theatre. Now, all the headlines shouted that he was going to take a break for a little while.

The alternative rock star quickly opened his laptop to search for answers. He found an interview he'd done the night before he'd missed. Virgil clicked it quickly, heart fluttering the tiniest bit upon seeing him sitting there with that smile.

"Good evening Mr. Prince, it's nice to have you here!" the host said as the audience clapped.

"It's good to be here, thank you for having me," Roman replied, still smiling.

The host then went on. "So, you've become quite a successful young man, did you ever see yourself getting here?"

"No, not at all," he replied as he look down a little. "This feels like some dream that I'll wake up from any minute now because I don't deserve all this."

Roman laughed as the host and audience tried to convince him otherwise, but Virgil recognized that forced laugh. He used to do it whenever he was upset but didn't want to tell anyone. He frowned as he kept watching.

"Now you're taking a break, what's that all about?"

The actor sighed a little but smiled nonetheless. "I've just got a lot of things going on in my personal life and things up here," he gestured to his head, "haven't exactly been all pleasant. I feel like it's been affecting my work ethic and performance, so I've decided to take a step back for a little while to sort that out. Don't worry, you'll hopefully see me again soon."

Virgil frowned again, not quite sure what was wrong but something felt off. "Well, we'll miss you during your absence, but we support you to our fullest extent Mr. Prince," the host said. "Now, looking back at how far you've come, do you have any regrets you'd be comfortable sharing?"

Roman's face immediately changed before he shook his head the tiniest bit with a sad smile. "Telling my best friend we were nothing more than 'friends with benefits' instead of asking him out on a goddamn date," he said confidently. Virgil's eyes widened as he his hand flew to his mouth. The audience awed sadly at his confession as he shook his head.

"Aw, what happened?" the host asked.

"I was an idiotic teenager with raging hormones and no common sense," Roman explained with a frown. "He practically asked me if I'd want to be his boyfriend and I laughed in his face. I've only spoken to him once in person since that happened, and I've regretted nothing more ever since."

The audience awed sadly again as Roman finished. The host frowned sadly. "Well, do you at least know if he's doing well?" he asked, earning a wistful laugh from the actor that made Virgil's heart throb.

"Oh, he's definitely doing well," he replied with a smile. "I won't tell you who I'm talking about because that's up to him to decide if he wants the public to know, but he's definitely doing well."

That was it; the host wrapped it up and the video ended, leaving Virgil sitting in his bed slack jawed as he thought about what Roman had said. As he was sitting there, his phone lit up with a text message. He sighed as he read it, being from his band mate Joan. As he did, his heart dropped and he dialed someone else's number immediately.

"Sup?" the voice replied.

"De, what the hell is Joan talking about? You're leaving the band?" he asked, jumping right to the point.

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