The Dad Guy...s (Prinxiety & Logicality)

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Requested (and a little weird but I did my best lmao)

Logan's POV:

The logical thing to do was run a test. Tests allowed you to see clear results of a question or study. So if Thomas was unsure if we'd be good fathers, why not test it?

As aspects of the mind, we could conjure things at will. That explained why there were two infants in my office. Putting them into baskets and grabbing my notebook, I headed for the common room. The other three were already there, as I asked. They looked up expectantly as I entered, eyes widening at the infants in the baskets as I set them down.

"Logan, why the hell do you have two children in baskets?" Virgil asked, getting a soft smack to the back of his head from Patton as he scolded him for language. The hyper Heart was trying not to scream as he looked at the infants.

I cleared my throat, opening my notebook. "Thomas wants to be a father one day," I said.

"Where is this going?" Virgil said, panic starting in his voice. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I will tell you if you allow me to continue," I said to him. "He wants to be a father one day, but is unsure if he- meaning WE- will be good at it. As with anything in life, the best thing to do in this scenario is to test it."

I gestured to the two infants. "These two infants are now responsibility of the two pairs in this situation, those being Patton and I, and Roman and Virgil," I explained, gesturing to each of us. "We will be required to take care of our infant for three full days."

Patton's POV:

I flailed my arms a little in excitement. This was so exciting!!! I got to be a real dad for a few days!!

"W-Why are we doing this exactly?" Virgil asked, sounding worried.

Logan straightened his glasses. "Thomas asked me to run a test of some kind, but failed to specify what kind of test. I figured this would be the most affective anyway."

I couldn't take waiting anymore. I jumped up and rushed over to the babies. "Hi there," I said softly, picking one of them up. I cradled it in my arms, looking down at it with a wide smile. It's so cute!! I might cry!

Roman's POV:

I looked over at Virgil, who seemed really uncomfortable. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked him softly while Patton cooed over his and Logan's baby. My boyfriend curled in on himself, pulling his knees to his chest as his breathing picked up. I took his hand comfortingly and ran my fingers through his hair. "Breathe kitten, you're okay."

My favorite pet name for him was "kitten", especially because it made him blush the most. His breathing slowly became normal again as he calmed down.

"Now, please tell me, what's wrong?" I asked him gently. Virgil looked at me with wide worried eyes.

"What if I drop it? What if it gets sick? What if it starves because I forget to feed it? What happens if it starts crying?!"

His paranoid questions came so fast, I blinked a couple times before chuckling a little. I got up and went over to the second baby, still in its basket. I lifted it into my arms and walked back over to Virgil. Sitting down next to him, I gently handed it to him.

"Princey what are you-"

"Shh," I cooed quietly, wrapping my arm around him as he held the baby in his arms. Virgil looked at me and then back at the baby, eyes softening a little.

Virgil's POV:

"It is really cute," I murmured, a small smile on my face. I leaned into Roman as he pressed a kiss to my cheek and held me close.

"You'll be great," he reassured me. "And I'll be there every step of the way. Think of this as our test run. We want to get 'married' and 'adopt' kids someday right?"

I found myself giggling at him a little before looking back down at the baby. "Yeah," I said absentmindedly.

Logan's POV:

I couldn't contain my own smile at the sight of Patton cradling the baby. I stepped up behind him and instinctively wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned his head to smile at me as we looked down at the baby.

"We're going to be amazing at this," Patton said quietly.

Third Person POV:

And they were, by the end of it. Taking care of the babies was much harder for the four of them than they thought, but they managed to do it. Roman and Virgil were woken up a total of seventeen times across the three nights from the baby's crying, for reasons they couldn't figure out. Patton was a natural, but also stressed out. Logan knew what needed to be done, but wasn't great actually doing it. None of them dropped their baby (though there were a few close calls on day one) and both of the pairs were successful parents for three days. When the three days we over and Logan had made the babies disappear with the snap of his fingers, the four of them looked like train wrecks. They were ready to just sleep for another three days when Thomas summoned them.

"Whoa! What happened to you guys?" he asked, taking in their startling appearance.

"Thomas..." Logan began as they all collapsed on the couch. Virgil and Roman fell asleep instantly, holding each other close. Patton snuggled into Logan and did the same. The intellectual Side yawned as he wrapped his arms around Patton and said one thing before falling asleep. "I think... it's safe to say... that you could be a father... but please don't become one right now."

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How was that?? Was it good?? Idk??

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How was that?? Was it good?? Idk??

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