I Hate Valentine's Day (Part Two) (Prinxiety)

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Virgil walked into school the day after Valentine's Day, and he felt like everyone was staring at him. His skin crawled as his peers' eyes followed him through the hallway. He hunched his shoulders, trying to avoid eye contact as he made it to his locker. His eyes widened as he realized why. 

His locker had been visited by someone; there was a deep red rose and a note taped to the door. Virgil's chest was tight with nervousness as the other students watched him approach it. He took the rose and the note from the locker, reading it quickly. 

My dearest Virgil,

I doubt you're surprised to see this. I doubt I need to tell you we're soulmates either, seeing as the flower you gave me yesterday perfectly matches the one my wrist. I hope that you will meet me after school today where we met. 

With love,

Roman <3

Virgil's face flushed, realizing why people were staring at him. People knew he was Roman's soulmate, the most desired boy in the school. He felt nervous as he glanced around, not liking all the attention. That attention followed him throughout the entire day, in every class. There was always at least one girl, or boy, or someone glaring or looking at him. He couldn't have hated it more, but he stared at the rose to remind himself what he was getting in spite of all of it. 

He was Roman Prince's soulmate. 

The other junior was handsome, charming, and one of the most romantic people he'd ever met. Despite not knowing him, he'd helped him find some joy on Valentine's Day. Virgil let out a wistful sigh as he thought of the way he talked about love. They way he spoke made him wish he'd never stop talking. Perhaps if they started dating, he could fall asleep listening to him talk. 

However, Virgil was nervous. What if he immediately expected romance between them? What if he expected him to kiss him all the time?

He didn't have time to worry about it before the final bell of the day rang. He could still feel other students' eyes following him as he ran for the park. He wanted to get there first, but unfortunately he didn't. Roman was standing under the tree, eyes closed as gentle breeze flowed through his hair. Virgil's heart was in his throat as a breath escaped his lips. He looked gorgeous as his eyes fluttered open and looked his way. He smiled warmly as he approached.

"Uh, h-hey, Roman, um," Virgil greeted, trying to find the words as he pulled out the note. "I- uh- I found your note, and... I just w-wanted you to know t-that I hope you're n-not expecting me t-to you know... like, kiss you and stuff..."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Of course not," he replied, taking a few steps toward him. "Do you remember our conversation yesterday? I don't believe in love being something that can just happen in a blink of an eye. I did not request you meet me here to start making out because we're soulmates. I wish to get to know you, truly."

Virgil was speechless without a doubt, eyes widened with shock. His soulmate offered a smile looking down at his hand. "May I?" he asked, wanting to hold his hand. He bit his lip, nodding a little. Roman smiled, reaching out to gently take Virgil's hand in his own. "Virgil Black, I ask you to give me the honor of accompanying me on a date for some ice cream. Would you, please, do me that honor?" 

He was breathless, nodding an awed look. "I love the way you talk by the way," he said, smiling bashfully. 

Little shorter than part one but I hope it was still enjoyable 

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