Hypnotic Love (Prinxiety)

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Virgil was taking a stroll through the dark side of Thomas' mind, feeling unnervingly more at home there. He didn't like it, and he didn't like to admit it, but he was a Dark Side. It wasn't something he could change, but it was something he could choose not to behave as. Besides that, he felt like his thoughts were more collected when he was here, and something was definitely on his mind.

"Well, someone looks like they're having fun."

Virgil sighed heavily at the familiar voice. "I'm not really in the mood for your b.s. right now, Deceit," he muttered as he kept going. The snake-like Side faked offense as he fell in step with him.

"I'm so offended Virgil! We used to be friends!" Deceit said, pretending to look hurt. "In fact, we were more than friends! Don't you remember?"

The snake-like Side reached out to take his hand but Virgil immediately ripped it away, glaring at him as they stopped. "Don't even start with me, you snake," he snapped, shoving his hands into his pockets as he kept walking.

"Ouch, geez," Deceit said, scowling. "Never mind that, what's got you all frustrated?"

"Like I would tell you," Virgil replied, not looking behind him.

The snake-like Side smirked, already figuring it out. He leaned against a tree smugly. "Prince has got you hot and bothered," he stated, watching him stop in his tracks. He chuckled, voice deep as Virgil looked at him. "I'm correct I see."

"S-Shut up..." the anxious Side muttered, clenching his fists.

"Aw, my Chemically Imbalanced Romance has a crush!"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Virgil yelled, feeling rage surge through him at the pet name. "Don't... don't call me that..."

Deceit looked surprised at his sudden out burst, narrowing his eyes. "Doesn't Roman call you that now?" he questioned. "Why would it bother you so much if the original person who came up with the name use it?"

"Why the hell do you think, Deceit?" he replied, voice venomous. He sounded like the name was disgusting on his tongue as the skin on his throat tingled with past feelings.

The snake-like Side snickered. "Please, don't act like the others were all sunshine and rainbows to you, Virgil," he retorted. "Your precious Princey despised your presence until late, and he'll never return your feelings."

"You don't think I don't know that..." Virgil muttered, turning away.

"I have a way."

The anxious Side laughed. "You think I'm stupid enough to listen to you? You'll probably trick me into kill him, or myself, not that I'd mind that last one too much," he replied.

"Not funny, Virgil," Deceit said, deathly serious. This surprised him a little, but the snake-like Side continued before he could comment. "I'm serious. Have you ever heard of hypnosis?"

"Yes?" the anxious Side replied, looking confused.

Deceit pulled out a small crown, smiling mischievously. "This is an enchanted crown, well, cursed really, but besides the point. If you get your prince to put it on, and say 'he loves me', it'll make him fall in love with you," he explained. "Get sick of him, and say 'he loves me not'. The spell will undo itself and he'll have no memory of anything after the spell started."

He handed it to Virgil, who stared at the little gold crown. "No, I can't use this," he said, shaking his head. "It's wrong."

"Come on, Virgil! Just try it out! You don't have to use it more than once, or do anything you're not comfortable with, but if you like it then," he trailed off with a shrug. "Just try it."

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