Weak (Prinxiety)

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I'm not going into detail or anything, and this isn't supposed to be all lusty and blah blah blah, so can you refrain from the lenny face and snide comments about sex? I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm going to suggest that something happened, and it didn't happen in a bad way so just please refrain from that. It really takes away from the actual writing when you do that in the more serious instances.

Also, the italics are flashbacks, but aren't all the same day or the same time.

Virgil's eyes opened slowly, feeling warmth surrounding him on all sides. As his eyes began to focus, he saw Roman laying directly next him. Virgil's breath caught in his throat as he looked at his face. The royal's arms were wrapped around him and holding him close. The darkest of the Sides blushed a little as he saw Roman's shirtless chest, recalling what had happened the night before. He bit his lip as he looked at the prince, so many thoughts and feelings flooding his mind.

"Virgil, I believe I've developed feelings for you."

The darkest of the Sides stared in shock. Roman had feelings for him, HIM of all people. 'Him' being the one who'd always been in love with the prince. He'd dreamed of worlds where Roman loved him back, but now, now that it was happening, would he do this?

"Would you go out with me?" he'd asked, looking at Virgil hopefully. He'd agreed hesitantly, internally concerned about what he was getting himself into.

Was he really going to do this? Was he actually letting himself be loved? Was he actually trusting himself to another person? Surely, this was a bad idea... He was Virgil, Anxiety... His place among the Sides was delicate. He was no longer the bad guy, but he still wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows. If he did this, and screwed it up, he'd lose everything. Roman was bad for him because of how bad it would be for him to lose him. The best option for him was to say no, go back to being alone; to not risk hurting someone else or himself.

The two of them had been dating for about three months, going on dates here and there. Virgil tried to stay strong, keeping his guard up no matter how hard it was. When he and Roman stood on a bridge under the moon and stars, he let it down.

The royal was looking at him so longingly. His eyes were so soft as he gazed at the darkest of the Sides, a small and almost sad smile on his lips. Virgil suspected what he was longing for. They'd agreed going into these dates that he would not push him when it came to his limit on contact and affection; though they'd been seeing each other for a while, they'd never gotten past hand holding and hugs.


The prince took a couple steps to stand directly in front of him, reaching up to brush his cheek gently. "Can I kiss you?" he asked in a hushed tone. Virgil's instincts of self preservation told him 'no', and yet, he had nodded, letting Roman capture his lips in a sweet kiss.

Virgil looked at the sleeping prince again, sighing a little. He was confused by himself. He wanted this, and yet, his instincts told him differently. Roman had treated him with respect and patience, never pushing him to do anything he wasn't comfortable with. He'd been absolutely perfect, just as he'd imagined. Yet his instincts still told him: Stay strong, don't let yourself do this.

Three months later, Roman was hovering about Virgil, having just spent about five minutes kissing him. His eyes sparkled with affection and love, with hint of something else. "Virgil..."

The darkest of the sides looked up at him, breathing rapidly. His heart had been racing and his head had been pounding. "Yes?" he breathed as the prince leaned down closer. Their noses were brushing as they stared into each others eyes.

"Can I... can I show you how I love?" Roman asked hesitantly in a murmur. Virgil's brain screamed no. It screamed not to give in and risk getting himself or Roman hurt if this didn't work. Yet despite his brain screaming, his heart was singing. It told him that Roman loved him. It told him that he loved him. It told him this was okay, so he'd nodded.

Now, Virgil laid next to the prince he loved, taking in his sleeping features. He smiled a little, moving a hand to gently touch his cheek as he sang softly. "But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?" he sang, soft enough that it didn't wake Roman. He traced his lips with his finger, shaking his head at himself. "Boy, oh boy, I love it when I fall for that."

He thought of his smile... He thought of his laugh... He thought of his hand in his... He thought of his lips on his...

"But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?" Virgil continued, carefully brushing the royal's bangs out of his face. "Boy, oh boy, I love it when I fall for that."

The darkest of the Sides pressed his lips to Roman's softly for a moment before letting himself relax into his arms, deciding he was okay with being weak.

Was... was that okay? Yeah, I know I suggested something there but I was trying to make sure it came across properly. Roman really, truly loved him, did that translate? And Virgil loved him back, but was torn between trusting his self preserving instincts or his heart, which is why it may have seemed like he didn't love Roman back. No, he did, he was just scared...

Okay, well, I hope you enjoyed it. It wasn't a request cause I wanted to take a little break before getting back at it, I literally have 30 lined up to write

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