Mistletoe Mistake (Prinxiety & Logicality)

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Requested plus I'm adding a holiday aspect to it because fuck it that's why, I hate everything right now and I don't even know why you guys like these one shots cause they've been getting worse and worse and I'm being annoying and whiny again so I'll shut the hell up.

Thomas' POV:

Okay, okay, I'm getting sick of Princey and Anxiety acting like they hate each other. In all honesty, they're not fooling anyone! Even the Fanders have it pretty much figured out. I swear, it's just stressful for when I try and make videos. They're so busy trying not to come across as in love that they forget their lines, add insults, and cause conflict between shots. I just want them to get together so I can stop getting headaches whenever they're in the same room.

I smirked to myself as I came up with a devious plan. With Christmas coming up, my apartment was looking festive to the max! Well, almost to the max. I could barely contain my excitement as i put up the mistletoe above the stairs.

My plan was to get the two of them under the mistletoe so that they'd have to kiss. I was almost certain that they would because they'd likely start arguing before just doing it. I'll be honest, it's a little weird, seeing as the Sides all look like me and act like me to a certain extent. However, they're all different enough that it's still pretty cute.

I smiled as I looked at the mistletoe, in perfect position for where Virgil pops up. I knew he'd be the first to notice, and then he'd avoid it if he could. If could get Roman over there before he pops up, they'll be under it before he could react. Humming to myself, I went to the kitchen to get a snack when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I didn't realize I had any friends over... or maybe it's one of the Sides already in the real world? I looked over toward the stairs from my place in the kitchen as I bit down into a piece of peanut butter fudge. Around the holidays, a couple of my more skilled baker friends made the BEST desserts. I noticed Logan walking down the stairs slowly, nose buried deep in a book. It was then that I noticed Patton was out here as well, about to head upstairs, not paying attention as he bumped right into the logical Side of me. I concealed a gasp of realization, waiting for them to notice.

Patton's POV:

I groaned as dull pain shot through body as I landed on the stairs. I heard a familiar sharp gasp, making me look up in concern. Logan was on the stairs too, book accidentally tossed to the side and glasses a disarray from our collision. He was rubbing his back with a slightly pained expression, making me rush forward.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Logan!" I said hurriedly as I picked up his book and helped him to his feet. I ignored the pain in my own back, more concerned about him. He blinked at me in surprise as I reached up to fix his glasses for him. "I wasn't paying attention! I'm sorry! Are you alright?" Logan looked shocked by my action of fixing his glasses, making heat rise to my cheeks with embarrassment. "I'm fine, Patton," he reassured, concern in his eyes. "I also should've been paying attention. Are you injured?"

I shook my head as I handed him his book. "No, no, I'm fine," I reassured him. He nodded in acknowledgement as a slightly awkward silence fell over us.

Logan's POV:

My eyes wandered as I searched for words, heart rate increasing as they fixated on something above Patton and I's heads. My cheeks felt uncomfortably warm as I recognized it and its purpose of a festive decoration. Patton's eyebrows furrowed in confusion until his eyes followed mine. His face flushed bright red as the realization hit him.

"We- um..." he managed, laughing awkwardly. "It's- it's mistletoe..."

"I-I wasn't aware Thomas had put any up in the house," I replied, straightening my glasses though they were already straight. I could practically feel my heart in my throat, which was biologically impossible, but an accurate expression for the feeling nonetheless.

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