The Sound of Silence (Prinxiety)

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The words echoed in Roman's head...

Prince of light dressed in white
Try as hard as you might
Never again shall you sing with the Music of the Night

Until your lips feel true love's kiss
Until you find those lips of bliss
Your musical voice will forever be missed

Roman was shaking, his throat tight as he remembered the dying curse of the dragon witch he had killed earlier.

Was it true? Would he never be able to sing again? He needed to find his true love...

Shaking his head, he went back to his room and took a deep breath. He tried to produce a note, but nothing happened. "Oh my god... I can't sing..."

<Time Skip>

"Guys!! You've got to help me!! I've been cursed never to sing again until I find true loves kiss!"

The other three looked up in surprise. Patton looked worried, Logan had his eyebrow raised, and Anxiety just smirked.

"Thank god, no more Disney songs," he muttered jokingly. Princey wasn't amused.

"This isn't a joke Anxiety! I need to find my true love!" he snapped.

"Alright, calm down kiddo," Patton said calmly. "We'll help you, won't we Logan?"

Logan seemed to sigh. "I suppose I can't refuse, what if Thomas is unable to sing while you're under this curse?"

The other three gasped. "That would be horrible!" Patton cried.

"He could make a fool of himself in front of important people," Anxiety said, shuddering. "Alright we're helping you. Let's go."

The four of them teleported into Princey's realm, the Imagination. It was like a fantasy kingdom he ruled with the help of a council. There were other kingdoms there too, with many princes and princesses.

"Objectively speaking, one of these other royals has to be you true love," Logan said as the royals gathered in Roman's palace.

"That is, unless you already love someone Roman!" Patton said, wiggling his eyebrows.

The prince's cheeks burned deep red. "No," he replied simply and stubbornly, avoiding looking at Anxiety. "I have no romantic feelings for anyone at the moment."

He seemed to be trying to tell himself.

"Well, maybe someone is already in love with you?" Patton suggested, stealing a glance at the darker personality.

Roman however didn't notice.

They all shrugged. "Alright let's get this over with," he sighed as he sat down to meet the royals.

Within the first ten minutes, Anxiety left the room. Logan and Patton didn't notice, but Roman did. He wanted to go after him, but he faced forward, meeting the next royal with a smile.

Meanwhile, Anxiety leaned over the railing of a balcony. He just stared out at the kingdom, as the sun began to set.

After another hour, Roman had had enough for now. He decided to finally go see what Anxiety was up to. He found him on that balcony, looking up at the stars. Princey just stood in the doorway, frozen in awe.

"City of stars, are you shining just for me?" Anxiety sang softly. It was clear he didn't know Prince was there. "City of stars, there's so much that I can't see."

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Roman began to inch forward, approaching him. He reached the railing and stood next to Anxiety, who looked at him in surprise. The prince looked down as he gently placed a hand on one of his. Anxiety looked up in shock before continuing.

"Who knows? Is this the start of something wonderful and new? Or one more dream that I cannot make true?"

It seemed like both of them understood what the other meant. Prince had this feeling that told him Anxiety was in love with him, but he was scared and unsure about telling him. Anxiety had this feeling that told him that Prince had been in love with him all along, and that he was done hiding it.

These feelings and thoughts seemed to be exchanged silently as they looked into each other's eyes. Along with these feelings, a glance at his lips told Anxiety Prince was asking for permission to kiss him.

Anxiety nodded in the slightest, his eyes slipping half closed. Prince moved a hand to hold his face gently as he leaned in close. He raised eyes to his in a final question of permission. When Anxiety looked down at his lips, he knew it was okay.

Roman let his eyes slip closed as he pressed his lips to his. The two of them felt a tingle between them, and outside their closed eyes, there was a bright flash. They pulled away with a smile.

"True love's kiss, huh?" Anxiety said breathlessly, looking up with his eyes to meet his. "Why me?"

Prince smiled, using his other had to gently brush Anxiety's bangs out of his eyes. He opened his mouth, and sang. "Cause I can't help, falling in love with you..."

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