Just Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (Logicality)

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Spider-Man Homecoming AU because I'm watching it right now and I wanted to.

Patton's POV:

I was sitting on a fire escape, phone to my ear. "Hey Happy," I said to the voicemail box, keeping the disappointment out of my voice the best I could. "I helped out some more people today, and this one woman gave me a churro!"

I smiled sadly as I looked at it, appetite gone. "I wish I was doing more to help but..." my voice trailed off. "I don't know, I guess... I wish I was an avenger..."

I paused, sighing. "I know you don't even listen to these, and I know you don't really care..." I said. "I'm just gonna go... text or call me if Mr. Stark needs me I guess... bye..."

I hung up, looking around as the sun set. Sometimes I really hated being Spider-Man... I've felt useless after the fight at the airport... I tossed the churro aside, not hungry. I heard something strange, causing me to look down at the streets below. My eyes widened behind my mask as I saw some men shoving a boy my age into an alley. I jumped to my feet, swinging over to the roof above them.

"Turn out your pockets kid!" one of them demanded, holding a gun. Another pushed the boy against the wall, who gasped. My heart was racing in my chest. I recognized the boy from school, Logan.

"O-Okay!" he stammered as he started to take out anything he had in his pockets. His hands were visibly shaking as he kept his eyes trained on the gun. The other two men emptied his backpack's contents as he stayed pushed up against the wall. My blood was boiling as I leapt down silently. I cleared my throat as I strutted towards them.

"Sorry, 'scuse me," I said, getting their attention. "Yeah, hi! What's goin' on? Spider-Man here, and uh-" I paused, as I smugly approached them, "I don't really like what I'm seein' here, so you have two options: we can do this easy where you turn yourselves in, or hard, where you still end up in jail, but with a lot more bruises."

The man with the gun fired, but I grabbed the gun with my web. "Guess we're doing this the hard way," I commented, ripping the gun from his hand. The others were drawing their weapons, but I was too quick. I shot webs on either wall of the alley and swung myself into them, kicking them in the face. They crumpled to the ground, unconscious. The man who'd pinned Logan had released him to grab his gun. I ran forward, shooting a web at the other man and one at the one in front of me. I threw my web grenade at them, trapping them against the wall.

I smiled behind mask, webbing up the unconscious ones. I turned Logan. "H-Hey, do you have a piece of paper and a marker?" I asked. He nodded shakily, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. I took them from him, scribbled a quick note to the police and stuck it to the webs holding the men. I nodded to myself and turned back to Logan.

He was gathering his stuff from the ground, still shaking. I knelt down to help him, earning a awed look from him. "Hey, you okay?" I asked him, feeling slightly nervous. I always had a little bit of a crush on Logan, but typically ignored it because of how rarely we interacted with each other. He nodded, straightening his glasses as he pulled his backpack onto his shoulders.

"Y-Yeah, I'm o-okay, thank y-you so much," he said as I handed him a few of his books. I blushed, smiling.

"No problem, here, let me walk you home," I offered. He nodded graciously. We began to walk down the sidewalk, my cheeks burning. "So, what were doing out so late?"

Logan's cheeks flushed a little as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Working on school stuff after hours," he explained.

"That's cool," I commented. "I bet you're really smart."

He blushed dark red. "I g-guess, thanks," he replied with small smile. We stopped in front of an apartment building. "Well, this is my building, thank you again, Spider-Man."

My chest fluttered as I bashfully rubbed the back of my neck. "Y-Yeah, no problem," I said. He began to head inside when I called after him. "Uh, do you stay late often?"

He nodded. "Almost every day."

"I'll walk you home tomorrow then? Same time?" I asked hopefully. He smiled wide and nodded. I smiled behind my mask as he entered his building. I did a little spin as the excitement of talking to him sunk in. I swung off towards home.

Third Person POV:

Patton would walk Logan home every day after he stayed late at the school. They'd talk about nothing in particular, and every minute he spent with him, the more his feelings grew. One Sunday evening, he was swinging around town when he spotted Logan on the fire escape outside his apartment. He swung over to him, hanging upside down.

"Hey Spidey," Logan greeted him as he lowered on the web next to him.

"Whatcha doin'?" Patton asked him curiously. The boy had a distant look on his face, and he seemed distracted. He hummed a little in response before answering.

"Thinking..." he said quietly.

Patton looked at him, tilting his head out of curiosity. "What about?"

Logan looked at him with smile. "You."

"M-Me?" the superhero stammered, face flushing under his mask. He nodded, leaning on his hands as he rest them on the hand rails. "Why?"

"Because I think I'm in love with you," he said, looking back off at the horizon. "Which is crazy... I don't even really know who you are. You could be a thirty-year-old man or something... If you're even a boy, and if you're even attracted to guys..."

Patton blushed, pulling up his mask a little to reveal his mouth. He wanted his voice to be clearer. If Logan truly had feelings for him, he wanted him to know he returned them. "I can assure you I'm not a thirty year old man," he said, not even trying to disguise his voice. Logan head whipped in his direction. "And I'm definitely a boy, and gay."

The intellectual boy was sitting right in front of him as he hung upside-down from the fire escape above them. "I... I think I recognize your voice from somewhere..." he murmured. "Who are you?"

Patton sighed, shaking his head. "Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man..." he said softly. Logan, to his shock put his hands on the side of his face.

"But who are you, for real?" he asked, looking at him with wide eyes. Their faces were incredibly close, making each of their hearts race.

"I'm just a boy who's in love with you..." Patton said quietly. Logan slowly leaned forward, pressing his lips to Patton's gently. Neither of them knew how long they'd been kissing, but when they pulled away, they were breathless.

Logan searched the mask's eyes, wishing they were the person's beneath it. Patton slowly reached up, hesitating before pulling the mask off. His eyes were wide as he recognized Patton, who smiled weakly. "I understand if you're disappointed," he said sadly. "I'm nothing special or anything..."

"It's Patton, right?" he asked. He nodded, and Logan laughed a little. "You're freaking Spider-Man, if that's not special I don't know what is."

Patton smiled bashfully. "I guess if you think so..." he replied. Logan pressed another kiss to his lips, smiling as he pulled away.

"I know so."

Not requested, but I wanted to do it damn it XD

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