Doctor Emile Picani (Slight Logicality)

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Patton had an idea. Joan had mentioned a character they'd come up with for the new scripted series on Thomas' channel- Cartoon Therapy -and the way they described him made him want to try something. He headed for Logan's room, buzzing with excitement. Knocking on the door, he called out. "Hey Logan? Could I come in?"

A muffled yes came through the door, leading him to enter the room. The logical Side was at his computer, typing and clicking on things that looked way too complex for Patton to understand. "Salutations Patton, how may I be of assistance?"

The Dad-like character fidgeted a little; Logan hadn't turned around, which made asking his questions a little easier. "Is it possible for, um, Sides to... fuse?"

Logan's typing paused as he tilted his head a little. He turned it to glance at him but didn't fully turn around as he thought it through. "I'm assuming you mean 'fuse' as in perform a fusion dance and become a new being, the process commonly performed by the Crystal Gems from Steven Universe," he said, earning a quick nod from Patton. He frowned thinking about it. "I- hm... I'm not positive, but seeing as we are simply physical representations of the aspects of Thomas' personality, I believe it would be possible."

"Perfect!" the clearly excited Patton exclaimed, grabbing Logan's hand and pulling him out of his chair. The logical Side was flustered, confused, and slightly concerned with what he was so excited about. "Fuse with me."

He blinked at him, a slight blush rising to his cheeks. Fusing in the cartoon was the most intimate thing the gems could do, and practically represent romantic relationships. The actual fusion dance was basically sex when you broke it down, making Logan's blush even darker. "W-What?"

"Fuse with me, please," Patton said again, looking hopefully into his eyes. "Or can we at least try to? I- I heard Thomas and Joan talking about a new character for the new video, and they said he was essentially a 'Logicality Fusion'. Maybe if we fuse, we'll become this new character and be able to record the video as him."

Logan didn't have a reason to counter him with. If they were able to fuse into this new character, it would be extremely helpful to the production of the video. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "A-Alright, I guess we could try?"

"Okay!" Patton said, nervous but still excited as he took a few steps away from him. "So, I guess we like, dance?"

The logical Side nodded, biting his lip as he looked down at himself. Patton took it upon himself to start first, starting to movie and dance around with a smile on his face. The giggles that escaped as he did so made Logan's heart figuratively melt. Receiving a smile from the dancing Side, he returned it, beginning to dance in his own way a little. Patton smiled wide as he did so, moving toward Logan as he moved toward him. Suddenly, he tripped, falling into his arms as he caught him in a dip. They were frozen for a moment before he burst out in giggles and leaned closer into him. Their eyes slipped closed as they fused.

A single pair of eyes blinked open. They felt strange. "Logan?" a voice not unlike their own voices said, looking at themselves in shock. "Patton? We're- It worked- We fused!"

They rushed over to the mirror, not surprised to see no drastic physical changes in appearance. They looked like a new version of Thomas, keeping their need for glasses and Logan's necktie. However, it was now a pretty pink one, and their shirt was white rather than black.

"So, what's our name now?" he asked himself. He thought about it. "It would be too boring to just combine our names, and we're meant to be a new character anyway. How about, Emile?"

He raised his eyebrow at himself, clearly skeptical of the choice. "Emile Picani! How 'bout that?" he suggested with a bright smile before sighing with a shrug. "Why not? However, as to be more professional, shall we simply call ourselves, Dr. Picani?"

He nodded with an enthusiastic smile, how ever Emile could feel himself getting pulled somewhere. "What's happening?!" he asked before the voice of Logic  inside him answered. "We must be being summoned. We need to sink down."

He nodded and closed his eyes with a deep breath. He felt himself sink down and pop up in the real world to see a very surprised Thomas and Joan. "Do you how do?" Emile asked with a smile as they stared at him.

"What- I summoned Patton and Logan, who are you?" Thomas asked confused.

"Oh! I'm Emile Picani, but you can just call me Dr. Picani!" he said with a smile. "Patton and Logan are kinda... not really available at the moment? Which is why I'm here?"

Joan and Thomas immediately recognized what happened. "No freaking way," Joan said as they walked in circles around him. "You two fused!? Holy shit! That's so cool!"

"Joan! Language!" Thomas exclaimed, gasping. The nonbinary pal rolled their eyes and huffed.

"Okay Captain America," they quipped. That statement made them all stop and giggle a little. "Right, now back to the fact that Patton and Logan literally fused into one new character! This is incredible!"

Emile looked down at himself, adjusted his glasses, and smiled. "Yes, I suppose this is pretty incredible."

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