Earth (No Ship)

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Logan wanted answers. That's all he wanted out of this life and this world. He'd woken up one day curled in the trunk of a tree. When he'd stumbled out of it, the world had been blurry. Unlike for many creatures, it remained blurry for much of his life; until he'd figure out how to construct what most species called glasses.

All he wanted to do, as he looked around the luscious forest surrounding him, was to learn more about it. He'd seen several small species of creatures that he'd started keeping records of. Despite this, he never saw anything like himself.

Part of Logan new he was different. While most of the creatures of the forest walked on four legs or more, he walked on two. He'd never met something else that walked on two legs. Not only did he walk on two legs, but nature also followed him, regardless of if he wanted it to. Vines curled around his feet and legs, leaves and flowers grew from his vest, and branches constantly found their way from his hair. Not only did plant life follow him, but animals weren't far from him at all times.

The most peculiar thing was how the earth reacted to things he did. If Logan tripped and fell, the earth would crack a little upon his impact. It was like the ground was sensitive only to his touch. He also learned he could manipulate it; he could break it and make it move through the air with a simple wave of his hand. 

He stared at those hands, confused and entranced by the slight green glow that emitted from them as he levitated a few pebbles. All he wanted was to know why. How was he able to do the things he could?

Logan turned to his journal, composed of notes he'd taken himself on the life around him as well as accumulations of notes from a few old books he'd found inside an ancient collapsed cottage deep in the forest's trees. Those books were the only reason he knew he was a forest sprite. They contained stories of them, and they were the closest match to himself he could find inside. What the pages didn't tell him, was why he could do what he did. He didn't want to just label his powers as magic. He wanted the science, even though he knew there wasn't much he could do from a scientific standpoint. 

Sighing to himself, he flipped through the pages. Logan smiled a little to himself in satisfaction. There's nothing more satisfying than crisp and clean notes of scientific research, he thought to himself with a smile. And yet... there's an indescribable emptiness I feel... Where's the science of this feeling?

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