Man of My Dreams (Prinxiety)

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Requested and watch out for angst. Also, it's an AU, they're humans. Just a note whenever reading my stories, never assume you know what's going to happen just because it's categorized with a word or trigger. For example, my last one shot had a suicide trigger, but if you read it, it had a happy ending. Never assume you know what I'll do, because I can literally do whatever I want, and sometimes I'll purposefully trip you up. You've been warned.

Virgil couldn't help but feel like his heart was actively trying to hurt him. It stung and weighed heavy in his chest as he stood in the room. Logan and Patton were there too, along with Thomas, and Joan. Terrance, Jamahl, Leo, JayisJoe... They were all here to help the groom prepare for the wedding set to take place in roughly an hour. Roman, the man of his dreams, was that groom; yet he, painfully, was his best man.

He bit his lip as he straightened his black on black tuxedo shirt. The princely friend had decided he wanted each of his groomsmen to wear what represented them each the most. He'd picked their outfits himself. Virgil's had been chosen to wear all black with a purple rose in the pocket of his jacket. He now stood there fiddling with it, trying not to let his breathing get out of hand as he thought about what would be happening in now forty-five minutes.

The anxious emo glanced over at the groom as he continued to put together the finishing touches. He looked, for lack of a less cliche word, breathtaking, causing Virgil to pause his breathing a moment to look at him with wide eyes. He swore under his breath, looking away as his eyes became glossy. He couldn't help the bitterness in his chest that the man he was marrying got to call him his groom. To think, it could be you in that other room, Virgil thought to himself as he leaned against the wall. If you'd just spoken up... now he's marrying the man he loves, and it's not you.

"Hey Virge! You feelin' alright? You look even paler than usual," Roman called from across the room, making him look down as he nodded and moved to the door. The princely groom noticed this, but couldn't bring himself to push him any further.

He's probably just nervous, seeing as he's the best man and it is a wedding after all. I can't blame him for that, and I should focus on making sure my vows are memorized, he thought to himself, turning back to the mirror.

"I'm just gonna... get some air... I'll be back in a minute," Virgil managed as he fled the room hastily, hearing Patton remind him they only had half an hour until they'd have to head to their places.

He found himself in the courtyard, staring into the way too bright waters of the fountain. He couldn't help it as the tears dripped silently to join it. Virgil sniffed as he frowned at his reflection. As if he ever would've wanted you anyway, he thought with an internal bitter laugh.

Roman was staring at the door as his groomsmen fussed over him. They now had twenty minutes before they had to head to places, and Virgil hadn't returned. "Hey, I'm going to go find Virgil," he said, exiting the room before any of them could stop him. He found him by that fountain, still as a statue as he stared into it. The reflection of the glistening coins inside danced across Virgil's suit as he approached him. "Hey, are you okay?"

Virgil's head snapped in his direction, shocked to see him standing in front of him. He hastily made sure his tears were gone before replying. "I'm fine, seriously, you've only got fifteen minutes, you need to make sure you're ready," he responded, not meeting his eyes.

"Well, I can't have my wedding without my best man there," the princely groom said with a laugh. When he didn't so much as smirk in response, he got worried. There had to be something wrong. "Virgil, what is wrong? You can talk to me."

The anxious emo looked away, debating what he could do. He knew Roman too well, he'd continue to ask him and wouldn't let it go until he told him something. Biting his lip, he spoke his mind in the vaguest way he could manage. "Do ever just think about something you could've done, that could've changed where you are today, and just feel an overwhelming sense of regret that makes you feel like you can't breathe?"

Rome looked at him in shock and confusion for a moment before expression dissolved into one of understanding. He sat down next to Virgil, putting a hand on his shoulder. The way a friend would, he noticed. "Everyone has moments like those," the prince-like groom told him gently. "It's alright to feel that way. I- I actually had some of those thoughts last night, and they're still lingering a little..."

Virgil watched his eyes go distant for a moment before they snapped back into the situation. "The important thing to remember is that it's in the past. You have to let it go; or fight for whatever you wanted to change back then. We only get one life, Virge," Roman said, smiling sadly. "We can either play it safe, and let every opportunity pass us by, or take a chance, a leap of faith, and jump on that opportunity and fight for what it means to you."

The anxious emo's eyes had widened as he spoke, knowing how poetic he was but still in awe of it. "Thank you, Roman," he said, letting a tiny smirk quirk at his lips.

"I hope I helped. Now, come on! We've got a wedding to attend!"

Virgil stood there next to the altar. He did his job, holding the rings until Roman requested them. His eyes were dull and his bangs fell in front of them to help shield his true feelings from the audience. They more than likely assumed he was emotional for his best friend, but he was emotional for an entirely different reason.

He heard a tiny little voice. It was Roman's, whispering words he'd said just under forty-five minutes ago.

"The important thing to remember is that it's in the past. You have to let it go; or fight for whatever you wanted to change back then. We only get one life, Virge. We can either play it safe, and let every opportunity pass us by, or take a chance, a leap of faith, and jump on that opportunity and fight for what it means to you."

He let out a shaky breath, cursing himself. The pastor said that famous line and for a moment, time slowed down. Virgil took a step forward, doing the unthinkable as everyone looked at him.

"I object."

Yes there will be a part two.

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