You Said to Hold You Tight (Prinxiety)

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I may or may not have heard the new FOB song and fallen in love with it and now I must write a Prinxiety one shot

Virgil's POV:

HOLY. SHIT. Forgive my language please, but "FALL OUT BOY" RELEASED A NEW SONG CALL "HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON'T" AND I LOVE IT!! I had it playing on loop!! Yeah, you're probably shocked that I'm getting EXCITED for once, but hey, it's "Fall Out Boy".

Logan and Patton were on a date, and I saw Princey heading to the Imagination, so he'd be there for a while. I still sneaked into the kitchen to make some cookies. I got an idea and I wanted to make cookies with "Day of the Dead" designs on them. What? I got inspired by the music video.

Once in the kitchen, I snapped my fingers to make the ingredients I would need appear on the counter. I smiled, unplugging my earbuds and playing the song out loud. I found myself moving to the beat as I began to bake the cookies.

I missed baking, I realized then. I do it rarely, when I have time in the mindscape by myself. I don't want the others to know I bake; Patton would think I was hurting his feelings when I reject baking with him if he knew I could, and Roman would never let me live it down. Logan... well, I don't think he'd care, but I'd rather it just stay my secret.

After mixing cookie dough and shaping it, I had slid the cookie sheet into the oven to bake. I had about forty five minutes to kill before I'd have to start the icing for it to be ready when the cookies came out. I noticed the song was almost at the chorus. I let myself snap my fingers on the beat

"An-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nother day goes by, so hold me tight, hold me tight, or don't. Oh n-n-no, no this isn't how our story ends, so hold me tight, hold me tight, or don't," I sang with a big smile on my face as I danced around the kitchen. "Oh na na na na na na na na na na na! Na na na na na na na! Oh na na na na na na na na na na na! Hold me tight, or don't."

Roman's POV:

I returned to the mind to hear music coming from the kitchen. I thought that was odd because Patton and Logan had gone out on a date. Could it be Virgil?

As I neared, I could hear the song better. It sounded... nice? I recognized "Fall Out Boy" but it must be a new song. I liked the beat and rhythm of the song, smiling and snapping my fingers a little as I reached the entryway of the kitchen. I froze, staring at what was in front of me. Virgil was clearing baking, as I could smell the cookies in the oven, but he was also dancing to the song. Not only that, but he joined into sing along.

"Cause I'm paaaaaast the limits! The distance between us, it sharpens me like a knife! Paaaaaast the limits! The distance between us, it sharpens me like a kniiiiiiiife!" he sang, hitting each of the long, higher notes perfectly. I had no idea he could sing like that.

I mean, sure, we could all sing, but each of us sung in our own way. Logan didn't, he sounded like a robot. Patton wasn't the best, but he had fun with it and didn't sound bad. I was amazing at riffing and singing in Thomas' theatrical voice. Apparently, Virgil could belt and sing in the alternative style he preferred to listen to.

"An-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nother day goes by, so hold me tight, hold me tight, or don't. Oh n-n-no, no this isn't how our story ends, so hold me tight, hold me tight, or don't," he continued to sing, wrapping his arms around himself as if someone was holding him and dancing whenever he sang 'hold me tight'. I smiled, getting an idea. The dancing emo nightmare had yet to realize I was there as I sneaked up behind him. "Oh na na na na na na na na na na na! Na na na na na na na! Oh na na na na na na na na na na na! Hold me tight, or don't."

As he sang the last 'hold me tight', I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. He squeaked in shock, gasping as I pulled him close to me. I leaned my head down next to his ear, smirking. "You said to 'hold you tight'," I murmured.

Virgil's POV:

My face burned and my heart raced. I'd had my eyes closed so I didn't see this damn prince sneak up on me. He chuckled right next to my ear, sending a chill down my spine, before letting go of me and stepping back. I whirled around, looking at him with wide eyes. "W-What- What the hell Princey?!" I exclaimed, annoyed at how high pitched my voice was at the moment. "You scared me!"

"My apologies, the opportunity was too tempting to decline," he said with that annoyingly perfect smirk. "So, what are you doing anyway?"

I shifted uncomfortably, moving to start the icing so I could distract myself from how nervous I felt around him. "Baking," I mumbled, trying to ignore him as I started the icing.

"You can bake? I didn't know of this," he said with a titled head. I nodded, keeping my gaze on the icing I was making. "And I didn't know you could sing like that."

I blushed even more, ignoring him. He chuckled and moved off somewhere, but I wasn't paying attention. I gasped as his arms found their way around my waist again, and his chest was pressed against my back. He rested his head on my shoulder, his breath tickling my skin.

"Does this make you uncomfortable, Virgil?" he asked, voice cautious but also flirty. I contemplated my answer for a moment before shaking my head. He pressed his lips to my neck, making me freeze up. I could feel his smirk as he gently kissed my neck. "Does this?"

I shook my head again, face on fire as he continued to leave feather light kisses up my neck and then behind my ear. I had goosebumps on the back of my neck. Finally, I turned my head to look at him, seeing him smiling at my sweetly. "What are you doing?" I asked quietly.

He shrugged as I turned around completely to face him. "I don't know," he answered, truth resonating in his voice. He reached up to gently hold my face in one hand. "Just felt... right..."

I bit my lip for a moment, contemplating what I was about to do. Would I risk it? You know what? Why the hell not? He's already kissed my neck a bunch of times today, what could one on the lips hurt? I leaned up and quickly pressed my lips to Roman's, my hands finding his waist as I pulled him closer. I felt him smile as he moved his other hand to hold my face as he kissed back. When we broke away, we were both breathless.

Roman's POV:

"What was that for?" I asked quietly with a small smirk. He smiled shyly as he looked up at me and shrugged.

"I don't know, just felt right."

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