The Man in Purple (Prinxiety)

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April 25th, 2018

Roman was smiling, enjoying himself at the party as he discussed things with the other guests and sipped at his drink. The masquerade party he was attending wasn't for any reason that concerned him. If he remembered correctly, it was the wedding anniversary of some wealthy couple he was friends of their friends with. Nonetheless, he was just there to have a good night.

He was standing with a glass in hand, listening to one of the guests talk when his gaze wandered to a spot behind her. His breath caught in his throat.

A man was making his entrance, walking slowly and confidently through the ballroom. Roman couldn't take his eyes away if he wanted to as he watched him walk, turning his head so that his shimmering purple and black mask caught the light. He was wearing a slimming purple suit with black accents, and his hair fell over his eyes. There was no way he could've been able to tell who he was even if he knew him.

There was something about him that captivated him, making him absentmindedly excuse himself and leave the current conversation he was a part of. Roman found himself walking toward him, which was toward the bar where he was getting a drink prepared. The man glanced his way with his eyes, a small smirk on his face. The slightly nervous one in gold and red cleared his throat.

"I couldn't help but notice you entered alone," Roman commented as he received his drink. The man raised an eyebrow at him, tilting his head toward him to show he was listening. "I thought you might appreciate some company."

He laughed deeply, turning to face him completely. Through the strands of his purple hair, Roman could see his deep brown eyes shadowed by the mask. "Bold conclusion," he replied. "Although not untrue."

The man in gold and red finished his drink standing and offering a hand. "Might I offer you a dance then?"

"There's a chance that I knew you'd ask me that," the mystery man said with a smirk as he took it.

Roman flashed a smile as he led them out to the ballroom floor. He pulled the man in by the waist, taking the lead of the dance. As they began to move across the floor, he leaned closer so he could be heard over the music. "Am I allowed to say you look beautiful?" he questioned, earning a small laugh from the man. "Because you caught my eye as soon as you walked in."

"I should hope that it isn't just my looks that makes you desire me," he replied, leaning in a little bit as well.

He shook his head as smile found its way onto his face. "It's not just about the way you look," he reassured in a murmur. "It's the way you act. You commanded my attention from the second you entered the room, and you drew me in with a sense of danger and caution. There's no way I could've resisted the urge to speak to you, to learn about you."

"You certainly have a pretty way with words," the mystery man said quietly with his lips forming a small smile. He blinked slowly, meeting Roman's eyes as they fluttered back open. They were close enough to feel each other's breath as they glided about the ballroom, staring into each other's eyes with an inexplicable feeling of want and longing. The man in purple spoke again as the song came to an end. "Shall we take this somewhere else?"

The man in gold and red quickly nodded, allowing himself to be pulled outside by the hand. Once out of view of the other guests, their lips met forcefully. Roman backed him against a wall, cupping his face as he pressed him there, not breaking their kiss whatsoever. When they pulled away to breathe, their eyes met. He felt a sudden urge to prove he wanted to know more about the man in front of him, reaching up to pull gently on the red ribbon tying his mask to his face and tossing it to the grass beside them.

"I don't need a mask," he mumbled, kissing him on the lips again. "I'm Roman, and I want to know more about you."

He laughed a little as he continued to kiss him back, not taking off his mask. "We'll see what happens tomorrow," he told him with a smirk. "For now, just keep kissing me please."

Roman happily obliged. Each time their lips met it felt like fireworks. He hoped this night would never end, but eventually it did. He'd put his mask back on as they reentered the party to find it winding down with the guests starting to leave. The man in gold turned to the man in purple. "So, how shall I contact you?" he asked, simply earning a laugh from him. He leaned up, kissing him on the lips once more before disappearing into the crowd of leaving guests.

He didn't have time to try and find him again, hoping that he had some sort of plan as he left for his own home. When he laid in bed that night, all he could think of was the feeling of his lips, and the man in purple. 

I saw "Something Rotten!" tonight, which is why there's no "Meant Not to Be" or "Time To Kill" updates ready, so I apologize.

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