Anxious Over Babysitting (Prinxiety & Logicality)

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Back to the Request Pile! XD (Yes I'm still taking them, it's just going to take me a while to get to, but I will get to it.)

Thomas didn't know why he'd agreed to this. He had agreed to babysit for a friend, only to find that he really had no idea what he was doing. He held the baby in his arms as it cried. He'd only been responsible for it for about ten minutes, and it was already crying.

"Aw, shh, please don't cry," he said to it gently, bouncing it slightly as he'd seen his friend do once or twice. What was he supposed to do?? He didn't know how to stop a baby from crying! "Uh, how bout we watch some Disney, huh?"

The idea came out of nowhere and he had no idea if it would help in any way, but what other option did he have when he was clueless as to how to take care of a baby. What he didn't realize upon putting in "The Lion King", was that the action had summoned his fanciful side. He nearly dropped the baby in shock as he turned around to see Roman standing there.

"Geez! Princey! A little warning next time you're going to pop up would be great!" Thomas exclaimed, gently putting the baby on the floor in front of the T.V. with heavy breathing from his Side's jump scare.

"Sorry Thomas, but I couldn't help but overhear you were putting on Disney," he said eagerly. Thomas rolled his eyes.

"Roman, I'm hoping it will calm down the baby. I'm not watching it for me," he explained, gesturing to the infant on the floor. Roman looked at it in shock, having not noticed it at first.

"Oh goodness!" he exclaimed with a smile. "It's adorable!"

Thomas nodded in agreement, but winced as it cried again. "Yeah, and it won't stop crying!" he said hopelessly. "It's only been ten minutes and I've already got it crying without stopping! I don't know what to do! Disney's not working!"

The prince audibly gasped upon his last statement. How could his beloved fairy tales not prevent the infant from crying further? "This is serious," Roman said dramatically. "I suggest we call Logic. He'll be able reason his way out of this situation."

"What have I got to lose?" Thomas sighed, summoning Logan. He popped up swiftly, book in hand that he quickly closed upon seeing the looks on their faces.

"What may I be of assistance with?" he asked, straightening his glasses although it was unnecessary. The two of them shared a glance before pointing at the crying baby. Logan's eyes went wide. "Uh... is that an infant?"

"Yes, I offered to babysit for a friend and I have no idea what I'm doing," Thomas said hurriedly. "I tried playing it a Disney movie, but it's still crying. We thought you might have a logical idea of how to get it to stop."

Logan straightened his tie as he looked from Thomas, to the baby, to Roman, back to the baby, and finally back to Thomas. "Wouldn't the most logical thing to do be to summon Patton?" he said, clearly uncomfortable with the thought of handling a baby.

Roman and Thomas shared a look that said, "We're both idiots, why didn't we think of that sooner?" while Logan raised his eyebrow with a look that said, "You two are halfwits to not have thought of that with how often he used to use the name 'Dad'". Without another moment of hesitation, Thomas summoned the dad-like character.

"Yes kiddo?" he said cheerfully as he appeared. His gaze fell on the baby and a gasp came from him. "Awwww! What a cute little baby!"

"That's exactly why I summoned you, Patton," Thomas said, once again wincing as the baby continued to cry. "It won't stop crying! You're the dad guy! PLEASE make it stop!"

Patton looked delighted, as well as nervous, as he picked up the baby. He tried talking to it, playing peek-a-boo with it, rocking it, and everything else he could think of, but the baby would not stop crying. He set it back down on the floor gently, looking defeated.

"What do we do?!" Patton exclaimed, hopelessly crushed that he had been unable to calm the infant.

"I don't know!" Thomas shouted, nervously clawing his hair. "Why did I agree to do this?!"

His anxiety was kicking in, leading to Virgil inevitably being summoned while the four of them argued about what do why the baby cried in the background. The emo nightmare looked at them with wide eyes as the argued, unaware of his presence. He looked at the baby on the floor, face softening as he walked over to it and picked it up. He gently cradled it in his arms, murmuring softly as he sat down on the couch with it. He sang to it, voice barely audible, and much more comforting than his usual harsh tone. The baby stopped crying, lulled to sleep by Virgil's voice.

After a moment, the other four people in the room realized the baby had stopped crying. The looked where the baby had been, each of their heart dropping as it wasn't there, but their gaze quickly found it with Virgil on the couch.

"Anxiety?" Thomas said in confusion. He didn't respond, only rocking the baby with a gentle hum.

None of them knew what to say. Logan was absolutely in shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened. Patton was beaming with pride over his dark strange son and his way with kids. The pride over powered his disappointment at himself for not being able to calm the baby. Roman stared at him in awe, something about it making his heart swell for his Chemically Imbalanced Romance. Thomas smiled, sighing in relief as the crying stopped.

"Thank you, Virgil," he said, sinking in to the couch. He was clearly exhausted already, so the Sides decided to help with the baby in any way they could. Roman would tell it stories while it laid in Virgil's arms, earning a fond smile from the darkest of the Sides. Patton play with it when it was feeling hyper, getting fond looks from the logical Side from across the room. Logan didn't help with the baby much other than helping prepare its food or milk for Virgil so he could feel somewhat helpful. When Thomas' friend came back, they returned to the mind.

Patton let out a sigh as he went to enter his room. Logan gave him a concerned look as he entered, following him to the door frame. "Patton are you okay?" he asked.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine," he said distantly. "It's just... what if I'm not the dad guy?"

Logan felt confusion flood his senses as he rushed to sit next to him. "Whatever do you mean?"

"I-I couldn't even get a baby to stop crying," he said in despair. "What if I'm a bad parent? A good dad would've been able to get it to stop, but I couldn't..."

"Patton, look at me," Logan said, earning a sad look from him. "You are amazing. You are a marvelous parent. All children are different; just because one baby wouldn't stop crying does not make you a bad parent. In fact, you were definitely making it happy while you were playing with it. You are not a bad parent. You are incredible."

The dad-like character's eyes were slightly glossy as he smiled at him. He leaned into him, resting his head on his shoulder. "Thank you Logan."

Meanwhile, Roman was sitting on the couch in the common room, staring at Virgil with a sweet smile. The other was blushing as he looked back at him. "W-What?"

"Nothing, just thinking about what an amazing father you would be if we ever had kids," he said, taking his hand. The anxious Side looked up with a bashful smile at his boyfriend.

"I'm sure you'd be a great father too," he said affectionately. The prince smiled, placing a gentle kiss to his lips.

Prompt given to my by this person!

That was fluffing adorable and I'm actually really freaking happy with how that turned out! I hope you guys enjoyed it too!

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That was fluffing adorable and I'm actually really freaking happy with how that turned out! I hope you guys enjoyed it too!

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