Cat's Out of the Bag (Prinxiety)

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Part Two to "More Than Just a Purr" because people requested it X3

Virgil hadn't been told they were filming a video today... He soon found out when he was summoned and found the camera and lights pointed at him. His heart was racing as he stood frozen in shock and fear. Everyone, other than Roman, was staring at him in shock. Why? Because the darkest of the Sides had a pair of ears on his head and a tail.

Patton soon started squealing, delighted by how adorable he looked. "OH MY GOODNESS HE'S SO CUTE!!"

"W-Why d-didn't anyone t-tell me w-were filming today?" Virgil asked, worriedly avoiding looking at them.

"Well, we're going to have to take break now," Thomas said, looking him up and down curiously. "So, you're a neko?"

He nodded. Roman had moved over to his spot, now that Thomas said they were taking a break. He took his hand in his, rubbing his nose to Virgil's affectionately. Patton squealed over the interaction while Thomas just smiled. The prince was murmuring comforting things to him when Virgil suddenly whipped around. His fist collided with someone's face. Everyone froze as they saw Logan on the ground holding his jaw.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Virgil exclaimed with a gasp. He quickly knelt down to pull him to his feet. "Sorry, I instinctively lash out when something touches my tail."

"Wait, why were you even touching his tail anyway?" Roman asked, his eyes narrowing a little. Logan straightened his tie and cleared his throat.

"I was checking to see if it was real," he stated. "Virgil, are your ears as sensitive as an actual cat?"

He started inspecting them, causing Virgil to fidget uncomfortably. "Uh-"

"And what about your other senses? Are they heightened as well?" he continued before Virgil could even answer the first question. He was analyzing his eyes now, and the other was extremely uncomfortable.


"Are your-"

"Logan! Enough!" Roman snapped, pulling Virgil away from him. The darkest of the sides was shaking slightly as he breathed shallowly. "Can't you see you're freaking him out?"

Logan straightened his glasses. "I don't see an issue with my actions."

The prince was not happy. Virgil moved to the couch with Thomas and Patton, who pet his ears gently (with his permission of course). The neko purred as he calmed down.

"You can't just go poking around and asking a bunch of questions like that! His other name is Anxiety for a reason Logan!" Roman snapped. "He almost had a panic attack thanks you."

"Fine, I don't see my error, but I shall not do it again," the other said, clear frustration in his voice.

Roman huffed and sat down on the stair, radiating anger. Virgil noticed, prying himself away from Patton to go sit with him. The prince didn't say anything to acknowledge him as the darkest of the Sides leaned his head on his shoulder. After a moment, Virgil spoke up.

"Hey..." he said softly, getting Roman to look at him. "I'm fine, I get Logan isn't really good at recognizing when I'm anxious."

The prince sigh. "I know... you just almost had a panic attack, and you looked so uncomfortable," he said, gently taking his hand. "I hate seeing you like that..."

Virgil smiled lovingly at him, rubbing his head against Roman's in a way a cat would. "Well I've always got you to save the day," he said letting his boyfriend kiss him gently on the lips.

What the two of them didn't realize was that... the camera had been recording the whole time...

There you go! Here's the two people who requested this!

There you go! Here's the two people who requested this!

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I hope it was enjoyable! I'm trying to catch up on all the requests I have! I am still taking them, just please don't expect them immediately! I'm really behind lol

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I hope it was enjoyable! I'm trying to catch up on all the requests I have! I am still taking them, just please don't expect them immediately! I'm really behind lol

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