You've Got To Be Kitten Me (Part Four) (Prinxiety)

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Virgil's POV:

I thought I wanted death before... but someone please kill me right now.

I scowled up at them, seething anger burning through my fur. This heavy metal piece of junk was balancing precariously on my head, barely fitting. Princey and Patton were freaking out. Dad was taking pictures and Princey couldn't stop squealing.

I shifted my head a little, leading it to fall down on one side, covering my left eye. I heard an even louder set of squeals.

"HE'S SO CUTE!!!" Patton squealed. I groaned, it coming out as a strained meow. All this squealing was giving me a headache and I couldn't believe my luck. Every time this has happened in the past, no one, NO ONE, noticed. I could just wait it out, and when I was back to normal go about my miserable existence. "LET'S PUT A BOW ON HIM NEXT!"

I groaned again, letting my head hang in frustration. The crown rolled off and was soon replaced by a florescent purple bow. I sighed. The two above me seemed to be loving this; I however did not. If they HAD to dress me up, couldn't they give me something edgy? Like, I don't know, a spiked collar or something? Maybe a miniature hoodie? Something NOT cutesy!

"He doesn't seem to like that," Princey said with a frown. "I wonder what else I have in here..."

"Where did you get this small animal clothes anyway?" Patton asked curiously. I looked at the prince for answer to the question I had silently been asking myself.

"If you ever go into the imagination, you'd understand," he said mysteriously before laughing. "It's really not that difficult. A lot of animals in the imagination like to wear clothes. I happen to have a few as things I've picked up if I ever decided to get a pet, or gifts from my animal friends for said hypothetical pet."

I guess that a plausible reason for having a bunch of miniature clothing for small animals, I thought as Patton nodded with a smile.

Roman continued to look through the bag, his eyes lighting up as he found something. "Wait a tick! Why didn't I think about that before? This is is ANXIETY'S cat! Of course its not going to like a bow or a crown! I have just the thing!" he said enthusiastically. He pulled out just what I had thought of, a black hoodie with a purple storm cloud on the back. My eyes widened as I looked at it. It was perfect. "Look at his eyes, he definitely likes it!"

I nodded subconsciously, pawing at it as he knelt down to put it on me. "Okay! Hold still! I can't put it on you if you're moving around!" he said with a laugh. I held still and allowed Roman to put the hoodie on with gentle hands. "There!"

He pulled back with a smile as Patton squealed again. I looked down at my legs, my two front legs now covered by the sleeves of the hoodie. I noticed that this hoodie, like my actual one, was a little too long for me, so the sleeves fell over my paws a little. I purred happily as I looked up at Roman to silently say thank you. I was so keeping this for whenever this happened in the future.

"You're welcome," he said with a smile, kneeling back down to my level. I'm not sure what came over me, but I jumped onto his lap and brushed my cheek against his. I remembered then that Roman had a crush on me. I laughed internally as I purred. The stupid prince has no idea I'm right here, and that I return his feelings. Something about hearing him say that, made a heavy weight in my chest disappear. Being around Princey wasn't completely miserable anymore. I knew he liked me!

"AWWWW!!" Patton took many pictures as Roman ran a hand down my back. "Hey! Wait, it's Saturday! That means its movie night!"

"Oh yeah! Go get Logan! I'll go find Anxiety!" Roman said excitedly, gently placing me on the ground as he headed off to my room. Panic shot through me as Patton headed for Logan's room. I quickly followed Roman.

He doesn't know I'm right here! What's he going to do when he can't find me? I thought wildly. Come on Virgil! Think! What can make him think I'm fine, but will make him leave 'me' alone? I don't want him to feel bad about excluding me from movie night...

My eyes widened in realization. I darted into my room, looking for my sketchbook. As much as I didn't really want to reveal my secret to Roman, it seemed like the only way for him to leave 'me' alone.

I dragged it from my desk, letting it fall open on the floor. When Roman entered the room, he looked at me in shock. "How did you beat me here?" he asked incredulously with a smile. "What should I call you? It feels weird to just say 'you' and 'it' and 'he'. Hmmm, how bout Anx? Like short for Anxiety!"

My heart fluttered at the nickname, and I meowed approvingly. He laughed, walking over to me. "Anx it is! Now, whatcha got there?" he picked it up, from under my paws, eyes widening. "Whoa! Did Anxiety draw these?"

I nodded, a twinge of pride to see Roman have such an awestruck reaction to my drawings and painting. "Hang on, these look like they're from the imagination!" he said, observing more closely. "Hey Anx, do you know if Anxiety goes to the imagination to draw?"

I nodded, brushing my face against his knee. "Do you think that's where he is now?" he asked curiously. Yes! My plan was working! I nodded again. "Hmm, I don't really know if I want to bother him then..."

I meowed and shook my head. "You don't think so? Well, won't he feel like we excluded him cause we don't care?" he asked worriedly. I shook my head again with a purr. "Well, okay, I guess we'll just have movie night with him next time."

I nodded, butting my head against his knee again. He chuckled a little, reaching down to pick me up. Surprisingly enough, I didn't struggle. "Well, Anxiety may be busy, but at least I got you little Anx!" he said, biting his tongue playfully and making my heart throb. Seriously, if you think I'm cute, Roman is ten times cuter.

We returned to the common room, finding Logan and Patton with their faces centimeters apart before Roman cleared his throat and they jumped apart with blushes on their faces. "S-Sorry! Where's Anxiety?" Patton asked.

"He's busy tonight," Roman said, a little sadly. "But I'm sure he'll come next time."

Of course I will you stupid prince, I thought affectionately. Can't pass up an opportunity to get to cuddle with you now could I?

"Bummer! Well, if that's what he wants, that's fine with me! Let's start!" Dad said enthusiastically as he hit play on the movie. Said movie was "Moana" which I didn't mind because the animation is gorgeous and the music is really soothing.

Roman moved to the couch, setting me on the ground first. I resisted the urge to mew in displeasure, and simply jumped up on the couch with him. I settled down next to his leg, resting my head on it and purring. I know Princey was smiling as he gently ran his hand along my fur.

Maybe I should just turn this into a full book cause there's going to be more parts X3

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