Your Lisp Is Adorable (Logicality)

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Patton's POV:

I noticed something odd going on with Logan. He hasn't been talking, at all. I was starting to worry. Was something wrong? Did I do something wrong? Was he okay? I needed to find out.

I knocked on his door, receiving no verbal response. I heard shuffling however, telling me he was coming to open the door. He looked at me, silent as though he was waiting for me to speak. "Uh, can I come in?" I asked. He nodded, leaving the door open as he moved to sit on his bed. I followed, closing the door behind me. "Logan is something wrong?"

He looked shocked but shook his head. He still wasn't talking! "Did... did I do something wrong?" I asked nervously. "You're not talking to me anymore, and even now you haven't said a word. What did I do?"

He sighed heavily opening his mouth. "Nothing," he said, something very different about his voice. It was then that I noticed something shiny in his mouth.

"Logan what-"

"I got braces Patton," he said with a heavy sigh. I immediately figured out what had been so different about his voice. "I got braces, and now I have a horrendous lisp."

I was speechless for a moment before I laughed. He blushed with a glare in my direction as I moved to sit next to him. "Logan, a lisp is nothing to be ashamed of!" I say reassuringly. "It's adorable!"

"No it's not!" he protested as he stood up, making me giggle at how heavy his lisp was. He began pacing. "See?! You're laughing at me! No one will take me seriously now!"

I bit my lip from bursting into laughter. His lisp made everything he said sound funny, but if he was feeling insecure about it, I wanted to help. "Logan that's not true," I said, standing up as well. I stopped him as I stood in front of his pace track. "We'll still take you seriously, even if you have a lisp. And honestly Logan, it's absolutely adorable."

He opened his mouth to protest but I pressed a kiss to his lips to shut him up. "Logan it's adorable," I said as I pulled away. He blushed as he looked at the floor.

"Fine... you promise you and the others won't laugh and will still take me seriously?" he asked, looking up with hopeful eyes. I nodded with smile. "It's really not that bad?"

"Of course," I said, smiling affectionately at my adorable dork of a boyfriend. "Your lisp is adorable."

Prompt from this person

There wasn't much to this one so it's super shot but I thought it was super cute and  I hope you like it! Now I'm going to sleep cause it's currently 1:50AM and I just wrote two one shots after my homecoming dance

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There wasn't much to this one so it's super shot but I thought it was super cute and I hope you like it! Now I'm going to sleep cause it's currently 1:50AM and I just wrote two one shots after my homecoming dance. I'm exhausted XD

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