Colorful Kisses (Prinxiety)

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Princey's POV:

Something odd had happened earlier... It wasn't a bad odd, I think, but I was certainly getting to the bottom of it. You see, for a brief moment during a small debate between Anxiety and myself, his pale skin seemed to become more saturated. I brushed it off at first, simply blaming it on a trick of lighting. However, I couldn't blame his black jacket turning purple and white when I called him 'Hot Topic' on the lights. Unfortunately, Anxiety noticed this change and they immediately turned back to black. He then excused himself from the room before I could get another word out.

I was confused, curious, and wanted to know what I had seen. I made my way to Anxiety's room, pausing outside to look at the cracked open door. He always keeps his door closed, I thought.

I cautiously pushed the door open to find the room empty. Now that, was odd. Anxiety was always in his room; where else on earth would he be? I tried to think of things he liked, but unfortunately he doesn't open up about his interests very often, if ever.

A soft sound interrupted my thoughts. A sound I immediately recognized as rain. My eyes widened. Rain...

I knew where to find Anxiety. I briskly headed outside to the little outdoor garden in our mindscape, a touch added by none other than myself. The sky above was dark blues and grays, covered in clouds. Rain was falling steadily, but lightly, making it very pleasing to the skin. Looking forward, I noticed Anxiety sitting cross-legged on one of the benches with his back to me. I noticed that his jacket was purple and white again, despite being soaked. I knew I wasn't imagining things.

A gentle voice pulled me from my thoughts. I focused back on Anxiety, eyes widening in shock as I listened. He was singing, softly.

"I've never felt so wide awake, cause I'm wonder struck. I love how you take my breath away, I'm thunderstruck."

He paused, standing up to wonder around a little. I followed cautiously, noticing that his normally black jeans were now white with rainbow paint splatter designs on them. When he turned, I saw that his shirt was white with what looked like the cover of a Misterwives album. The colors weren't incredibly bright, but the white was blinding compared to his normal black aesthetic. I kept quiet, holding my breath as he continued.

"To tell you the truth I'm so afraid, that I'm out of luck. I love how you take my breath away, I'm thunderstruck."

His beautiful voice faded away, and as the rain diminished, so did the colors. He frowned, looking at the ground as he went back inside. I waited before following and heading into my room to ponder.

"He looked so happy in the rain," I pointed out. "And he was singing an Owl City song, specifically one of their love songs. Everything about that scene was the happiest I'd seen him..."

The light bulb went off in my head as I thought about earlier when I'd called him 'Hot Topic' during our small debate. "Happiness makes him colorful," I said to no one in particular. I began to chuckle a little. "That's adorable! Wait..."

Come to think of it, that was first and only time I've ever seen that happen, which meant... My heart sank. He's never felt happiness around us for years. Something about that made me want to cry. Perhaps it was the fact that the one I love had never felt happy around me until today for a split second before I messed it up again.

I frowned, looking up. I am going to make him happy, no matter what.

My first plan consisted of calling him 'Hot Topic' more, seeing as that was what trigger the color response last time, and being friendlier towards him. "Greetings Hot Topic!" I said cheerily as I entered the kitchen to see him getting breakfast.

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