If You Gotta Be the Death of Me (Prinxiety)

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Virgil and Roman didn't know where they were. Each of them had been blinded by a bright flash, and then found themselves in a strange fantasy world. Upon seeing each other, they both internally groaned.

"Alright Princey, what gives?" Virgil snapped.

The prince looked confused and offended that he should accuse him of this. "Pardon me, you think I did this? As if I'd purposely bring us to the same place," he retorted. Virgil inwardly winced at the remark, receiving another reminder that his crush hated him.

"Well, I didn't do this," he said, gesturing to the world around them. "This is clearly some storybook land, so I have every right to assume you did this."

"Attention idiots!" a loud voice rang out from all around them. Roman's hand immediately found his sword at his side, preparing to draw it if combat was necessary.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" he demanded.

There was a deep chuckle of amusement. "Calm down, Roman. Your toothpick won't be of any use at the moment," he said; Virgil would be lying if he said he didn't bite back a laugh. The prince looked furious that anyone had the nerve to call his sword a toothpick. "I'm sure you're both confused. I'll clear things up for you! I'm bored, and not going to tell you who I am because I don't have to and don't want to. I've been seeing you two around the mind for a while, and I've decided to play a little game."

"And what might this game be?" Roman asked, glaring as he looked around for the voice's source.

"Hey, Princess? I'm not actually there, you can stop looking around for me," the voice teased. Virgil had to bite his tongue yet again as his face flushed bright red with anger and embarrassment. "And had you not interrupted me, I would've told you. Anyway, I've got a challenge for you two. Make it through this world and defeat the final boss. It's like a video game! Only very, very real, and consequentially very, very dangerous."

Virgil felt panic working its way up his throat. "G-Great..." he muttered, earning a concerned look from Roman as he started fidgeting nervously.

"Not to worry! I have a short cut for you!" the voice said, amusement obvious in his voice. "If you two kiss, I'll call this whole thing off and send you back home."

The two Sides' jaws dropped and their cheeks turned bright pink. They looked at each other before Virgil shook his head quickly in refusal.

"W-What?! No! I'm NOT k-kissing PRINCEY!" the anxious Side protested, the idea of kissing his crush making him even more nervous and flustered. He wasn't going to kiss him, especially because he knew the prince didn't return his feelings. It would break him...

The prince rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Anxiety, perhaps it should be something to consider," he said, earning an aghast look from him. "I don't take pleasure in the thought either, but would you rather risk our lives going through this quest, or suck it up and kiss me?"

"I'd rather go through the quest," he snapped, turning to start down the path. He missed the slightly hurt look in Roman's eyes, but the prince shook it away quickly.

"Alright, your funeral," the voice said with a chuckle. "But I'll leave the offer open. At any point during the quest, you may take up my offer and all damage done will be undone and you will be sent home."

The prince nodded in acknowledgement as he jogged to catch up with Virgil. They walked in silence for what felt like forever, which in reality was five minutes. Finally, Roman cleared his throat, getting the anxious Side's attention. "So, Anxiety," he began, feeling a little uncertain. "Why did you refuse to kiss me when we could go home if you do? We could skip all of this and return to normal in no time at all."

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