Shut Up and Dance (Logicality)

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Logan didn't know why he'd agreed to this. Roman had this crazy idea that the four of them should go out tonight. Patton had just been so enthusiastic that he couldn't help but agree. Roman had even managed to convince Virgil to go with them.

Now, here Logan was; standing against the wall of the club doing nothing. He let out a sigh of boredom as he watched the mostly intoxicated people dancing in front of him. His eyes lingered over a familiar figure in the crowd. It was Patton, dancing with a bright smile on his face. A very popular song was playing, called "Shut Up and Dance".

His smile is almost frustratingly contagious, Logan thought as he smiled a little. He continued to watch him, a fuzzy feeling in his chest from doing so.

To his surprise, Patton looked his way and came rushing over. "Logan!" he exclaimed as he approached him.

The necktie wearing nerd internally cursed his cheeks for growing warm. Logan's eyes were wide as his friend stopped in front of him.

"Dance with me!"

Without waiting for Logan to respond, Patton grabbed his hand and started dragging him toward the dance floor.

"Patton, I don't really-" he started to protest, a very noticeable blush on his cheeks.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" Patton said, ignoring his protests and continuing to pull him toward the dance floor. Upon reaching it, he let go of his hand and started dancing again. "See Logan? It's easy!"

The intellectual stared at him in awe. He's brain was trying to figure out what his heart was telling him. Patton stopped, facing him with a smile.

"Come on Logan!" he said happily, before softening his gaze. A small pink blush sat on his cheeks as he looked at his friend. "Please?"

Logan looked at him, a smile finding its way onto his face. With every passing moment, he felt himself begin to figure out what he was feeling. "I can try..." he said as he began to move in a way he'd see Patton so before.

Patton smiled wide as he danced a little too. "That's is Logan!" he said before he took a wrong step toward him. His eyes went wide as he realized his mistake. He tripped forward into Logan, sending both of them to the ground. Logan was pinned under Patton, both of their faces red with embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh sorry!" Patton exclaimed quickly. As he looked down at Logan with wide eyes. He realized Logan was smiling "Logan?"

He laughed. Logan genuinely laughed as he looked up at him. Patton smiled wider than he'd ever smiled before. He'd made Logan laugh! The blush on his cheeks and the look in his eyes told him that Logan liked him too! The two of them got to their feet, helping each other with a hand. They stopped for a moment, holding each other's hands as they looked at each other with smiles that said it all. They didn't need to say anything as they started dancing. Logan looked at Patton, laughing again as he realized how hopelessly in love with him he was. He looked back with a smile so bright the sun would be ashamed to rise.

Logan pulled him in by the hand and pressed his lips to his softly. Patton's eyes went wide as he smiled, resting his arms around his neck as he melted into the kiss he'd been fantasizing about for years. When they pulled away, Logan opened his mouth to say something. "Patton-"

He smiled pressing finger to his lips as he looked into his eyes. With a whisper, he replied, "Shut up and dance with me."

I may or may not have just written a fanfic for my Logicality animatic on YouTube... the end was added, but everything up until the kiss was from the animatic XD

If you want to see that animatic I'm talking about, just look up "Logicality Shut Up and Dance Animatic" on YouTube it'll be like the first one that pops up lol

Okay, the next will be the next request and then I have an idea I want to write but then back to requests! :3

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