Make This Work (Prinxiety)

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Trigger Warning: mentions of suicidal thoughts, self harm

Virgil was trying not to cry. It was pointless to cry over something that had happened so long ago. It had been almost six months since the break up. He didn't know why he was laying on his bed almost in tears. He couldn't stop thinking about him.

Everything was a reminder of him. His thoughts were driving him wild as he thought about him. Virgil hadn't realized the tears had fallen until they dripped down his nose onto the bed. He cursed himself internally, angry that he was still so hurt over this. It had to have been for the best... right? They would fight often, but the times they were happy together was their highest moments for each of them.

He curled in on himself, cold from the winter weather outside but having not energy to cover himself with a blanket. He was happier without him, right? Virgil wasn't suffering for nothing, right? He still loved him with all his heart, and he wanted him to be happy.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

He jumped a little at the knock at his door. He dragged himself out of bed, quickly wiping his eyes and making himself look presentable. Virgil took a deep breath and opened the door, heart stopping in his chest as he saw who it was.

"H-Hey Virgil..." Roman said softly, rubbing the back of his head. His eyes would flick up to Virgil's before quickly looking away. "Could- Could I come in? I... I want to talk to you..."

He nodded nervously, opening the door wider to let him inside. Roman moved to the couch, waiting for Virgil to sit down before sitting himself. There was a thick silence between them as Roman fidgeted with something in his hand. Virgil couldn't really see what it was, so he ignored it and waited for his ex boyfriend to speak. He took a deep breath before looking up to meet his eyes.

"H-How have you been?" he asked, awkward and unsure. He knew what he wanted to say, but the words wouldn't form.

Virgil wasn't expecting that to be the first thing said, and he debated lying. He sighed heavily with a bitter laugh. "I've been suicidal, you know? Thinking about how the world would be better off without me in it. How 'bout you?" he asked, trying to stay casual. Roman looked horrified, gaze immediately flicking down to Virgil's wrists.

"Please don't tell me..." he whispered, throat closing up. He reached out to hold his ex boyfriend's arm and gently pull back his hoodie sleeve. Virgil didn't stop him, having lost the ability to care if he saw the scars. Roman bit back a cry of anguish as he looked at the countless cuts on his arm. "V-Virgil..."

He stared down at the floor with a blank expression. "Are you happy Roman?" he asked softly.

"What?" He wasn't sure what the question was. He prayed that he wasn't asking if seeing him in this state made him happy.

"Are you happy?" Virgil asked again, looking up to meet his eyes with his own glossy ones. "You're happier now right? Y-You're h-happier now t-that w-we're not t-together so m-my p-pain is w-worth it b-because I-I want y-you to b-be h-happy-"

"No, no, no, Virgil," Roman cut him off, pulling his sleeve back down carefully. "That's the thing! I'm... I'm not, Virgil. I'm not happier. In fact... I've never been lower before... I miss you..."

Virgil looked at him as tears slipped down his cheeks. Roman shook out his head as he gently held onto Virgil's hands, finding his courage. "Virgil, I... I want to make this work," he said firmly. His ex boyfriend's eyes widened and his mouth fell open a little. "Neither of us were always happy in our relationship, but I'm even worse without you. I want to try again."

"Roman I... It's just going to end the same way," he warned in tears.

Roman shook his head with a sad teary smile. "No..." he murmured, placing his hands on either side of Virgil's face. "No. I want to fight for this. It's worth it, Virgil. It's so worth it. I want to be with you. We can make this work, together."

He looked down, removing one hand to reveal what he'd been fiddling with. "This... this is a promise ring," he said quietly. "I... I want to make a promise. I promise to make this work, because... because I love you, Virgil..."

Virgil searched his eyes, looking for any sign that he might be messing with him, or tricking him. He found nothing but genuine love and desperation. He broke down into quiet sobs resting his forehead against Roman's. They held each other close, tears dripping down both of their cheeks as Virgil spoke.

"I want to make this work... because I love you too."

<Two years later>

Roman smiled at his husband through the lens of the camera. He looked over at him, catching him taking pictures. "Roman! What are you doing?" he asked with a small laugh.

"I can't resist love," he said with a shrug as he snapped another perfect photo of the man he loved with their little girl, Rose. "You two are the most precious things on this earth to me."

His husband blushed a little as he smiled at him. "Well, put the camera down and come give me a kiss then," he said, batting his eyelashes and making puppy dog eyes. Roman couldn't resist, immediately putting the camera on the picnic table and joining him on the soft grass. He wrapped an arm gently around his waist and pulled him into a sweet kiss. His husband hummed as he pulled away, smiling.

"Yay! My dads are happy!" Rose said, clapping her little hands together and smiling. She was only four, making both of her fathers' hearts melt.

Roman pulled her into a his lap, nuzzling her cheek gently with his nose as she giggled happily. "Yes, Rose, your dads are happy," he said, smiling at his husband, who smiled back. Rose looked between them but then saw something in the sky.

"Whoa! Look Dad!" she said, pointing at the stars above them. She sat down and looked at them, eyes full of wonder.

Roman smiled at her, pulling his husband closer. He reacted by resting his head on his shoulder and sighing in content. "I love you Roman," he murmured with a small smile.

"I love you too Virgil," he replied, looking down as he intertwined their fingers. His gaze landed on the rings on their fingers. A small black ring around Virgil's ring finger, behind their wedding rings. The promise ring he'd given to him. Roman's gaze traveled to his own hand, where a gold ring with a diamond sat in the middle, ringed by tiny rubies. The engagement ring Virgil had given him when he'd proposed. Finally, his eyes found the matching wedding rings, smiling to himself as he leaned close to his husband's ear.

"Told you we'd make this work."

Did that fulfill your desire for Prinxiety with a little girl?

I think I want to make little Rose a reoccurring character for whenever they have a daughter but I'm worried people would start stealing her because that happened in the Septiplier fandom with a fan made character named Piper I think...

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