Happier Once (Logicality)

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Something had been bothering Patton for years, but had lately been bothering him even more. Something with Logan that he couldn't place... It was when he'd saw a 'Throwback Thursday' to the very first Sanders Sides video that it had dawned on him. His heart sank as his chest weight more all of a sudden.

Logan wasn't really happy anymore.

At least, he didn't think so... whenever he looked at how he used to be, he acted more like himself that he ever did now. Their actions and personalities were almost identical aside the fact that he was smarter.

Patton didn't know what to do. He tried getting him to be like his old old self, the bouncy excited Logan that didn't exist anymore. Nothing worked...

One day, he'd truly lost hope, simply going up to his door and knocking on it. When the intellectual Side opened it, he was shocked to find him standing there with his head hanging limply. "Can I talk to you for a little bit?" he asked in a soft voice, very different from his normal tone.

Logan was nervous, alarmed, and concerned as he quickly ushered him in with a nod. What was wrong? Was he hurt? Was he hurt... emotionally? Why would he come to he of all the Sides if he was feeling down? "What is it, Patton?" he tried to ask without sounding too urgent.

"Did I fail you?" the pun-loving character asked. He looked up with tear filled eyes. Logan looked at him in confusion. "D-Did I f-fail? I-I'm supposed to m-make you g-guys happy. I-I f-failed you!"

The tear were flowing down his cheeks as he hung his head again. Logan's concern spiked as he gently grabbed his shoulders. "P-Patton what on earth are you talking about?"

He shook his head as he wiped his cheeks. He sniffled as he looked up at Logan. "Y-You're never happy a-anymore..." he said quietly. "I-I can't stop thinking about how you u-used to act and you never smile like you used to, or laugh, or as hyper and excited, and it's my job to make you h-happy and you're not anymore-"

Patton broke down into tears once more. What he'd said confused and saddened Logan. "Patton, Patton, breathe," he told him as the other gasped for breath in between sobs. "You have not failed me Patton. I'm happy."

He looked at him. "Then why are you lying to me?"

The intellectual Side's blood ran cold. How had he been able to tell? How... Was he that bad a liar? How had he'd fooled them all up until this point if he was that bad at lying. "W-What?"

"I know you Logan," Patton said quietly. "You're lying."

Logan sighed, looking away as he released his shoulders. His hands fell to his lap limply as he stared at them silently. "Yes Patton, I was happier once..." he admitted blankly. "I'm not unhappy now, I'm just not as joyful as I once was..."

Patton looked at him in despair. He'd been hoping he was wrong. That Logan was telling the truth, but he was right. Logan wasn't happy. "W-What changed?" he asked, seemingly desperate to fix what had happened.

The intellectual Side laughed bitterly, making Patton alarmed. "I hate feelings..." he said with a fake smile as he looked at him. "I hate them more than anything..."

"Why?" the pun-loving character asked timidly. Logan looked back down, the fake smile plastered on his face. To Patton's horror and shock, tears dripped from his eyes. They landed on the lens of his glasses, in his lap, and fell down his cheeks slowly. He'd... he'd never seen Logan cry... ever.

"What's the point of good feelings if they tear you apart?" he asked him. "What's the point of feeling something if you just feel worse for doing so? What's the point in feeling love that is unrequited..."

His voice trailed off on the last one. Patton's tears had returned as he asked his next question. "Y-You... you love someone?" he asked, his own heart shattering.

Logan looked him in the eye as he nodded. "I love him more than anything, and I know that for certain despite not understanding love to its full extent," he said. "I've had a year to think about it, and as you've noticed, it has taken its toll on me..."

The Dad-like character looked away as he sadly asked his next question. "Who is it?" he asked softly.

Patton looked up to see Logan staring at him. "I-If I were to say it was you..." he inquired, not sure of himself, "what would you say..."

He stared at Logan with wide tear filled eyes. His heart was racing and his head was spinning. "I wouldn't say anything at all," he told him.

Logan looked at him questioningly, the fear and dread of rejection evident on his face. "I'd do this."

Before he could say anything, Patton leaned forward and pressed his lips to Logan's softly. It was so soft and too short for him to respond too, but left him breathless as he pulled away. He gently touched his own lips, confused and strangely happy by the slight tingle he felt on them.

"You're weren't giving me false hope, right?" Patton asked, fear that he'd made a mistake kicking in.

"No, of course not Patton, I wouldn't do that," he murmured as he looked him in the eye. Patton slowly smiled wide as Logan wiped away the tears. When they were gone, he just cupped his face. They stared into each other's eyes, Logan slowly returning his smile as he leaned forward. Their lips meet once again, only for longer and with more passion. They didn't rush though, enjoying the feeling of the other's lips on their own. When they pulled away again, Patton smiled at him and wiped away his tears.

"I love you Patton," Logan said quietly with a small smile.

"Logan I love you more than anything," he replied, hugging him. "I hope you'll be happy again."

Logan didn't change much, simply because he'd matured since the first Sanders Sides video; however he did smile more often, and let laughs slip out more than usual. Each time he heard it, Patton's heart soared.


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