Sleep Deprivation Makes You Loopy (Prinxiety)

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Virgil was exhausted. He hadn't slept in about 72 hours (which meant three entire days) and felt like he was going to collapse, but couldn't bring himself to sleep. He was sitting in the common room, staring at nothing, vision blurry. The Side wasn't even sure if he was actually awake and seeing the common room, or if he'd fallen asleep and it was a dream.

Roman was unaware of his condition, sitting at the other end of the sofa writing away in a notebook as he recorded some of his dreams from the previous night, brainstormed ideas, and worked on a script for a new Sanders Sides video.

The exhausted emo nightmare smelled something. He raised his head just a little as he tried to follow where the sweet smelling aroma was coming from. Perhaps it was Patton baking cookies? Or cake? Or brownies? Or could Logan could be experimenting with vanilla plants, or some other smelling flower?

Eye's closed, he moved to follow the smell and unknowingly found himself sitting directly next to Roman with his nose breathtakingly close to his neck. Breathtaking, because the prince had forgotten to breath for a moment. "V-Virgil? What are you-"

"Something smells really good," he slurred, brushing Roman's neck with his nose as he cuddled closer to him. The creative Side was blushing like mad and had absolutely no idea what to do. The feeling of Virgil's breath on his neck was driving him crazy. "Is that you? God, you smell freaking amazing."

The sleepy emo nightmare buried his face into the crook of the prince's neck, leaving him completely frozen and red in the face. "V-Virgil! W-What is g-going on w-with y-you?!" he asked in a shaking voice. It was impossible for him to keep his voice steady while his crush had his face against his weak spot, that being his neck.

"I wanna cuddle you," Virgil whined, wrapping his arms around the prince's waist. He felt intoxicated by the sweet smell coming from him. His already hazy mind was made even hazier by the scent. "You're soft and warm and smell good! Why do you smell good Princey?"

Roman laughed nervously as he looked down at the sleepy Side, feeling unbelievably flustered. "I-It's m-my c-cologne," he told him. "V-Virgil you still haven't told me what's going on!?"

Virgil yawned curling closer to him if that was possible. "I haven't sleep in three days, and I get really loopy and basically say anything that comes to mind when this happens," he said with a little giggle. "Hey! Did you know you're really handsome? Or that I love how you're actually a softy underneath your ego?"

The prince was speechless, blushing, and concerned. He took hold of Virgil and pulled him away from his neck to look at him. The sleepy Side's eyes were almost closed and he had an adorable little smile on his face. "Virgil, you need sleep! You can't not sleep for three days! It's unhealthy!" he said, looking at him with concern.

"Aww are you worried about me? Do you care about me?" Virgil asked hopefully. Roman couldn't stop blushing as he nodded and tried to talk again but was cut off. "Priiinnceeeyy! I wanna sleeeeep! But I caaaaan't!"

The exhausted emo nightmare pouted sadly, making the prince frown. He carefully picked Virgil up bridal style, leading to him wrapping his arms around his neck as he buried his face into it again. Roman sucked in a breath as he ignored the tingling feeling in his skin as he carried him into his own room.

"Here," he said, laying him down on his luxurious and soft bed. "Maybe my bed being softer will help you sleep."

He tried to pull away but Virgil let out a whine. "Nooooo, come back! You're so soft and warm and you smell good!" Roman sighed, climbing into the bed next to him and wrapping his arms around the sleepy Side as he curled into him. "Thanks Princey... I love you by the way..."

Roman's eyes widened and snapped down to Virgil. "W-What?" he stammered until he realized Virgil was out like a light. He smiled as he comprehended what he'd said. He let himself relax and forget about what he was working on earlier, holding his little emo nightmare closer.

He sighed with a lovesick smile. "He loves me..."

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