Purring Patton (Logicality)

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Patton woke up feeling great. That was usual, as the optimist of the Sides. He leapt out of bed, still wearing his cat onesie. He snapped his fingers, automatically changing into his clothes. He smiled as jumped on his bed, until he heard a strange noise. It took him a moment to realize it was purring.

"Where's that coming from?" he asked out loud, standing up and walking around his room. As he did so, Patton walked in front of his mirror. His eyes widened as he gasped. "Oh my god!"

The cardigan wearing Side backed away from his reflection, realizing he had cat ears on his head. The purring was coming from his chest as he was suddenly aware of the rumbling in it. He looked behind him, squeaking in shock upon seeing a cat's tail sprouting from a hole in his pants.

"I'm a neko!" Patton gasped, hands flying to his mouth in embarrassment as his face flushed. "Oh my god, this is so embarrassing! How did this even happen?!"

He was practically shaking, having intended to go out to make breakfast for the other Sides today. Patton didn't feel comfortable even being near the other Sides now, resigning to hiding in his room until this catastrophe ended. 

He knew he shouldn't question these things. It was Thomas' mind, so weird things happened to them all the time depending on what he watched, read, or saw. One time, he'd decided to get a little more information about My Chemical Romance, seeing that he's not an emo person. After watching video after video, reading theory after theory, he'd developed a liking for them that he decided to repress, seeing as they were no longer a band. All this overload of information and thoughts about them caused Virgil to walk out of his room wearing the black marching band suit they wore in the "Welcome to the Black Parade" music video. His eye makeup had been, what seems like impossibly darker black, and whenever someone said the number 22 he'd start to tear up. That wasn't as bad as when Roman played a G note on his phone and made him completely break down. The creative Side hadn't been expecting it to affect him that badly, so he apologized immensely and did whatever he could to make it up to him throughout the day. It was a hectic day in the Mind Palace.

"Thomas probably saw something about nekos on the internet," Patton told himself. "Maybe some fan art from the Fanders of me as a neko, which is why I'm being affected."

He hugged himself, looking himself up and down again. He felt weird, deciding to hide under his blankets for the rest of the day. Whenever Patton didn't want to come out of his room, Virgil and Roman figured he wanted some alone time. However, it concerned Logan. 

The logical Side approached his door, finding it locked. That concerned him even more, leading to the picking of Patton's lock. "Patton?" he called, eyes widening as he looked at the bundle of blankets on the bed. "Patton, why are you hiding under your blankets? Are you alright?"

"It's embarrassing..." he mumbled in response. Logan scowled and pulled the blanket off of him, gasping as cat ears sprung up from his head. Patton look pitifully up at him, clearly embarrassed and upset. "I look stupid."

"You look adorable," Logan said without thinking. The moral Side's eyes widened as he blushed furiously. He stammered. "I-I uh- sorry, uh..."

Patton smiled a little. "Really?" he asked quietly, not realizing he started to purr again. When Logan's eyes widened, he realized, flushing. "Sorry, I can't really control it. This is so embarrassing!"

"I do think you look adorable, though," the logical Side said, sitting down next to him. His eyes fell on his ears, a strange urge coming over him. He raised his hand toward them, meeting Patton's gaze. "May I?"

He blushed but smiled. He nodded a little, making Logan reach out and gently scratched his ears. The action made Patton purr even more, leaning into the touch. "Okay, maybe this isn't that bad."

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