A Grimm Tale (Prinxiety)

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Anxiety's POV:

"Hey Anx? Can I borrow some of the old fairytale books I found on your book shelf?"

My eyes widened as my boyfriend showed me the books he was talking about. The tales of the Brothers Grimm. Roman wasn't going to like these at all.

"Uh, I wouldn't if I were you Princey," I warned. "They're not your type of Disney fairytales."

He shrugged and headed for his room. "I'm curious and how bad could a fairytale possibly be?"

Oh you have no idea.

Princey's POV:

I sat down on my luxurious bed with three of these "Brothers Grimm" books. I recognized the name Grimm, but I'd never actually read their books.

I picked up "Cinderella", looking forward to reread the beautiful tale of how one young maiden's dreams come true. I began to read through it, and it was the same for the most part. It wasn't until I got the the end that I found myself gagging a little. The story said that the stepsisters sliced off their toes and the back of the heel in order to fit their feet into the tiny slipper. As gruesome as it was to read, it was the same ending as "Into the Woods".

I tossed it to the side and reached for the tale of "Little Briar Rose", or Sleeping Beauty. I began reading, enjoying it for the most part until the princess fell into the curse. She was found by a king, and as I read the next part, my stomach churned uncomfortably. The king raped her and just left. I could taste the bile in my mouth as I continued.

The princess gave birth to twins, while still under the curse! One of the twins sucks the splinter from the spinning wheel out of her finger and she wakes up. Somehow, she and the king fall in love, but the king is married and his wife tries to kill, cook, and fed the twins to the king and burn the princess at the stake. Thankfully, she didn't succeed.

I could feel myself shaking as I slammed the book shut. "Okay, okay, you're fine Roman," I told myself as I picked up the third and final book. "Surely "The Little Mermaid" is better..."

I was wrong.

One: the little mermaid gets her tongue cut out.
Two: she'll die if she fails to kiss the prince.
Three: every step she takes is like stepping on broken glass.
Four: the prince marries another girl.
Five: if she kills the prince and sprinkles his blood on her legs she can be a mermaid again.
Six: she can't so she dies and turns into sea foam.

Okay, I can't breathe.

Anxiety's POV:

I was heading to the kitchen for some chocolate cause I was craving chocolate at the moment. I slowed to stop when I heard choked sobs coming from behind the gold door that lead to Princey's room. He was probably just watching a sad Disney movie, but I remembered him taking a few of the Brothers Grimm books from me earlier.

I knocked and heard no reply. Worried now, I opened the door to see my boyfriend sobbing with his knees to his chest with two books discarded on the ground and one in front of him.

"Why are you crying Roman?" I asked, still not sure if this was serious or not.

"H-How c-could s-someone w-write th-that?"

I started laughing. "I warned you Princey! Those aren't the Disney tales you love!"

When he still sobbed, I noticed how much he was shaking and his strangled breaths. "Oh, shit, you're actually having a panic attack," I said, rushing forward. I sat down on the bed next to him, hesitantly wrapping my arms around him. Roman leaned against me, lowering his knees and clutching my shirt.

"Just try and breathe," I whispered gently next to his ear. I was so used to him helping me through anxiety attacks that I was just doing what he did when he helped me. I felt slightly awkward, but he needed me.

Running one hand through his hair and the other up and down his back, I murmured things into his ear, trying to calm him. When it only helped a small bit, I tried to think. What could I do to calm him down?

Come on Anxiety! Think! What does he like? Disney, yeah, but how can that help here? The songs!

I swallowed, feeling shy about my voice, especially since I hadn't sung for him yet. Not that I had any plans to or anything... *cough*

Think, a song that's calming to listen to...

"I can show you the world," I sang softly. I saw Princey's breath still for a moment. His eyes opened a little. Swallowing, I continued. "Shining, shimmering, splendid..."

I looked down at Roman, removing my hand from his back, I wiped away his tears. "Tell me princess, now when did you last let you heart decide..."

Roman looked up, his eyes wide and shiny from the tears. I gave him a small smile, my cheeks heating up a little.

"I can open your eyes..." I kept singing, seeing that it was working. "Take you wonder by wonder... over, sideways, and under, on a magic carpet ride..."

Thinking, I focused all my thoughts on transforming the room around us. Since we live in the mind, we can bend it and shape it however we want when we focus hard enough. It's harder for me that the others but I wanted to help Princey in any way I could.

The room around us seemed to dissolve to reveal the starry and cloudy night sky of the movie. The bed beneath seemed to turn into a magic carpet, and for added effect, a cool breeze could be felt. Roman looked around with a breathless gasp.

"A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view," I said, gesturing to the sky around us. I skipped to a different line as I gently lifted Princey's head to look up at me. "Let me share this whole new world with you..."

Pressing a kiss to his lips softly as the room changed back to normal.

Princey's POV:

As we pulled away, I looked at him, feeling myself fall even more in love with him. He looked away with a blush on his cheeks. "What?" he asked.

"You sang to me..." I said, breathless just from thinking about it. "And made my room into a magic carpet ride..."

"Well, couldn't have my boyfriend crying now could I?"

An amazing prompt given to me by this person ⬇️

Thank you for that prompt! It was fun to have Princey react to the horrors of original fairytales! 😂

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Thank you for that prompt! It was fun to have Princey react to the horrors of original fairytales! 😂

Thank you for reading!

*in the style of Thomas* Peace out!

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