I Can Make You Talk (No Ship)

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Virgil had a way of intimidating others. He had a special knack for getting the other Sides to talk.

Being Anxiety, he knew exactly what made the others anxious, and believe me, the others could be made anxious. In a way, he was ruthless in order to get them to talk. Anything he wanted to know, he would get out of them. He could just remember Patton nervously fidgeting under his gaze, or the way Logan would immediately blurt out what it was he was looking for. But the most fun for Virgil, was Roman. The way the arrogant prince was suddenly a stammering, flustered mess was absolutely hilarious to him.

"Hey Logan," Virgil said with a devious smirk that immediately made the intellectual Side tense up. "What was that about earlier during the video?"

"U-Uh, what are you referring to?" Logan said, trying to keep his composure.

"I think we both know what I'm talking about," Virgil said, raising an eyebrow. Logan was practically sweating. They both knew what he was talking about, and he didn't really want to say.

"I-It was nothing."

Virgil grinned evilly. "Really? I would hate to have to point out how much you talk. I mean, you talk A LOT. Like, dang, you talk soooo much-"

"OKAY! I WAS FLIRTING WITH PATTON!" he blurted, squeezing his eyes shut. The darkest of the sides was still smiling evilly, but there was a small sparkle in his eyes that said something different.

"Thank you for your cooperation," he said, walking away with a salute, leaving a blushing and  confused Logan behind him.

Later that day, Virgil cornered Patton in the hallway, smirking. "Uh, hey Kiddo! W-What do you need?" It was clear the Dad-like character was intimidated. He recognized the look in Virgil's eyes.

"I'd like to know if you have feelings for a certain other glasses wearing Side," he said. Patton blushed dark red.

"Well, I wouldn't tell you if I did," he said with a nervous laugh. Virgil pouted a little.

"I didn't want to bring up how frustrating you can be to the others," he said. Inside he felt bad for bringing it up, but he always made sure his Dad knew he didn't actually think so, and that the others didn't either.

Patton bit his lip, fidgeting with his hands. "O-Okay, okay, I like Logan," he said quietly.

"Thank you very much," he said before lowering his voice. "Sorry Dad, you know we don't actually think that."

Patton smiled. His dark strange son could be intimidating and scary sometimes, but he always came around to let him know that he loved him too.

It wasn't long after that day that Logan and Patton became boyfriends. Neither one of them knew what Virgil had done, and frankly, they were too scared to ask.

At some point, Virgil was watching all the Sanders Sides videos for, uh- no reason, when he came across the Animated one. One thing began to bother him... why had Roman become so flustered when he made the "pale joke" about Anxiety being the fairest? The darkest of the Sides was determined to find out, but he knew he'd never give up the information willingly. No... he was going to have to have some fun with him to find out.

Part One of a request I'm splitting into two parts from this person!

Part One of a request I'm splitting into two parts from this person!

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Don't worry! Part Two shouldn't take that long! :)

Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now