Experimenting With Love (Prinxiety)

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Anxiety didn't know why he was here, or why he agreed to this. All he knew was he'd said sure to helping Logan with an experiment of some kind, but had no clue what that experiment was. "So, why am I here?"

Logan ignored the question, muttering to himself as he compared his calculator to his notebook. Anxiety was slightly concerned by the amount of test tubes, flasks, beakers, and the type of chemistry equipment you'd see in a movie. As Logan continued to pace around, he snapped his fingers at Anxiety and pointed to a chair for him to sit in. Anxiety rolled his eyes, sitting in the chair with his arms behind his head as he waited for Logan to tell him what was going on.

"Yes, I believe this should do it," Logan said, stopping and picking up what looked like a sample of some kind of potion.

"So, mind telling me why I'm here now?" Anxiety huffed, bored and impatience as ever. Logan turned to him.

"You're here to test something for me," he said simply.

Anxiety eyed the potion suspiciously. "Care to tell me what it is that I'm testing?"

"I'm having difficulty grasping a specific emotion of mine, and I believe this potion will better help me express it if my calculations are correct. You're here so I can observe its effects on you to see if the solution does its purpose," Logan explained.

"What's its purpose?" Anxiety asked.

"Magnifying affection towards another person."

"Wait, what?"

Before Anxiety could say anything else, Logan dumped the sample on him. He stilled and his body went limp in the chair.

Solution causes brief unconsciousness while working before its effects become active, Logan thought, writing it down in his notebook.

Anxiety's eyes blinked open slowly before a smile spread across his lips. Logan was taken aback by the dreamy, lovesick look on the normally dark and pessimistic Side. He was looking off into nowhere, supposedly day dreaming.

"Uh, Anxiety?"

He jumped a little, snapping out of his day dream, but keeping the lovesick look. "Oh, hey Logan," he said dismissively.

Logan was amused and horrified by this Anxiety at the same time. Solution may cause a drastic change in behavior, results may differ on subject, he wrote, keeping in mind that it was only a drastic change because of how... dismal Anxiety's personality was. If the solution was used on Patton, per say, it might not affect his behavior that much.

"How are you feeling Anxiety?" Logan asked curiously.

He hummed, smiling. "I'm good."

"What are you thinking about?" Logan inquired, notepad ready to take notes.

The darkest of the Sides sighed dreamily. "Princey," he said, smiling as he said his name. To this, Logan almost dropped his pen out of shock. He had suspected his affections toward the prince-like character, hence why he had chosen Anxiety for this experiment, but it was definitely strange to hear him admit it.

"God, isn't he amazing?" Anxiety gushed. "He has this perfect smile, and that laugh! And when sings, *sigh* it's like freaking angels blessed his voice."

Logan was holding back laughter. As stoic as he normally was, this was hilarious. He almost seemed drunk. Drunk on love, he mused in his head. Oh my god, I'm turning into Patton.

"What are you symptoms of these emotions?" he asked, eager to get to the bottom of his own confusing emotions toward a certain pun-loving character.

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