Rules & Requests |CLOSED|

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Hello, my NASCAR-obsessed friends. Before I start with the rules, I'd like to state I'm a HUGE procrastinator when it comes to stories. I've literally got three FINISHED stories (About NASCAR of course)  that I'm yet to publish. I probably won't, but just so you know, I've been doing this a while.......... They're about various drivers, but ehhhhhhhhh. So, no not a procrastinator to writing, I do that on the daily. A procrastinator to publishing. Apparently.


 Rule #1
Supply me with a driver and scenario. Obviously. If you've just got a small idea or full on plot, let me know. I've got quite an imagination, I'd love to humor you. 

Rule #2
State whether or not you'd like a name (Yours or a different). I will say I personally believe I write better when I've got a name. It gives me more context and stuff. But if you'd like the traditional Y/N I can try my best....? Hopefully....

Rule #3
Believe it or not, I've been begged to write smut with all boy/boy, girl/girl, and boy/girl. I have written it but never shared. I personally don't consider myself very good. If you request, I may try for your lovely sakes and possibly post... Depending on how I feel with it. Sorry.

Rule #4
I have my favorite drivers-------- as do you. Don't blow a brain cell if I say I like someone you don't, okay? I'm doing ANY driver. From any series. Just chill.

Rule #5
This one is for me. I will write your request within 1-2 weeks. If I don't, message me or something. Although, when it comes to NASCAR, I don't need much encouraging.

Assuming I haven't scared you off, request away!

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