William Byron

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A/N Bowlingirl101, You requested ages ago, so I literally am so, so sorry and I hope you enjoy, !!! You probably forgot about this ahahahah And I'm sorry for mistakes

My knees clanked as my heart raced. I had my hands intertwined underneath my chin as I watched with wide, eager eyes. William was leading the pack at Indianapolis, and my nerves were eating me alive. A gentle hand on my shoulder caused my brown eyes to dart up to lock with my father's. Dad gave me a soft, charming smile.

He was just as excited.

"Four to go. Think he's got it, Daniella?" Dad asked me and I nodded, my brown hair bouncing.

"I think so. I hope so. He better." I breathed and he laughed.

"Dale, your daughter's gonna stoke out if she shakes any more." Kyle Busch smirked. Dale just offered him a curt nod and a smile.

"Just wait 'till William cross that line." Dale teased. Laps ticked slower than a crippled snap, my heart thudded like a bat out of hell. I felt like I was going insane. Then the lst lap came, and there was no way he was going to loose. My smile grew three times as wide as he cross the line. Tears sprung to my eyes as I turned to my dad, my arms shooting in the air as I cheered for my best friend.

"He did it!" I cried, falling into my dad as he enveloped me in a securing hug. His deep voice rumbled in his chest against my ear. Over the speakers I heard William cheering and laughing, congratulating his team. He'd come so far so quickly, it was so surreal. I've never felt more proud in my life.

William had me pulled close as we laid in the field behind his house. He had just landed a ride to begin racing, and he was just a little more nervous than me. He liked to race on video games for god sakes-- then it all became a reality. "Do you think I'll ever make it to the big series?" He asked softly, gazing up at the starry night.

"Probably, if you're dedicated and everything." I shrugged, because I truly didn't know. I knew he could do it, but I didn't know what it took. I didn't know if I'd be able to be with him there. I didn't know, and that was almost as scary as watching William's dreams start to come true right before our very eyes. "Say you make it. Say you don't. What racetrack in the whole world would you want to win?" I asked him, looking over to him. William laughed his dorky laugh as he looked to me, his blue eyes shining in the moonlit night.

"That's easy. Indy." He shrugged and I scoffed.

"Seriously? Why?"

"Are you kidding?" He chuckled as he pushed himself up on his elbows, gazing down at me. I shrugged softly with a small smile of my own. "Kissing the bricks would be... amazing. It'd be legendary." He shrugged and I shrugged.

"Right. Kissing dirty stones--"

"Just you wait, Daniella. If I ever win there, you'll get it. I'm surprised your dad let you get this oblivious." He teased and I shrugged.

"I'm not oblivious." I rolled my eyes.

"Just you wait."

I ran down, watching the celebration unfold. He was right; I was oblivious. The overall energy of his team was exhilarating. It was so, so surreal. As the celebration went I, I tried finding William but the crowds were too full. Dad lead me to the sidelines of where the kissing of the bricks would happen and we waited. "He killed it."

"I know."

"He's a hell of a racer." Dad smiled and I bit my lip.

"I know." Dad grinned as he glanced down at me.

"I like the kid." Somehow, my smile grew even wider.

"I know." I laughed softly and Dad chuckled as he slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. That was when is aw William and his team walking down toward the bricks, everyone beaming with unbelievable happiness. He locked eyes with me as cameramen began to crowd around. I had to restrain myself from running at him at first, but when he motioned for me to go over, I gazed up at my father.

"Go." He chuckled. I bolted. I ran the short distance as fast as I could, grinnind widely. William scooped me up, laughing into my dark hair as he lifted me off the ground. I squeezed him as tight as I could, ignoring the tears slipping down my cheeks

"You did it!" I laughed and he nodded.

"I did it. Come kiss the bricks with me." He smiled as he pulled away, leaving a tiny kiss on my forehead.

"Are you sure? This is your accomplishment and--"

"It's our accomplishment, Daniella." He chuckled as he hauled me over. I got down beside William as he interlocked our fingers. After a few minutes, we got the okay. I placed my hand on the ground, William placing his over mine and together, we leaned down and kissed the bricks.

Cheers erupted, confetti flew, and I finally realized what it meant to kiss the bricks.

A/N THIS WAS HORRIDD DONT EVEN LIE. I hated this one, not the imagine but my writing. It was all over the place and random and horrid. I apologizeeeeeee loves xoxoxoxox I luh you still!

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