Chandler Smith

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An ancient request, from summer. Please know I didn't mean for the wait to be this extensive, however, I hope you all understand how much I've been through. Someday I'll tell the tale on my rant book, but until then... @vagabondfangirl this is yours ❤️

With her hair in a messy bun, Ember crossed the isle of the grocery. With two items in each of her hands, she compared the labels with tired eyes. Thanksgiving was the following day and she had awoken early that day to prepare for family coming over.

Except it wasn't early enough, as most of the sweets she planned were on hold due to lack of ingredients. So there she stood, in fuzzy pajama pants and a heavy jacket over her shoulders as she read over each label.

She was so not expecting to see him.

Nor was he expecting her— but from afar his eyes caught her.

With slightly squinted eyes he inched closer. She looked familiar— strikingly familiar. With a hesitant couple of steps he stood by her and awkwardly grabbed something ahead of him. Then it clicked. Ember!

She was the (gorgeous) girl that began to talk to him in Instagram! She asked to meet him at one of his races but the dates fell short, and it never worked out. However, here she was. In the flesh. Clearly exhausted and determined. "Ember?" He spoke up and her eyes shot up to lock with his, brows drawn together.

"Wha— Chandler? Wait..." she paused and gasped, eyes widening a lot. "Oh my gosh!" She covered her face quickly and laughed nervously. "What are you doing here?"

"Pit stop on my drive home..." he smiled wide, scrunching his eyes a bit. She sighed softly and waved her arms out, setting a can down and putting the other in the cart beside her.

"Well, you caught me at a terrible time. I'm exhausted and busy and behind. I have a bunch to cook, my entire family and friend group are coming for dinner tomorrow and... ugh." She groaned and ran her hand over her face tiredly.

"Want some help?" He smiled softly and she raised a brow.


"Ouch? Declining my offer so quickly?"

"You have to get home. Tomorrow is a holiday." She huffed and he shrugged, motioning to move onto the next aisle. They walked beside each other until she stopped again and moved onto the next ingredient.

"I only have 20 more minutes to drive, it's not a big deal. Plus, we had plans to hang out. Then ya ghosted me." He winked and she gave him a disapproving look. "Okay, you were busy."

"Busy is my specialty."

"So let me help."

"If you help me find everything then fine—"

And guess what. He did, and then he tailed her all the way to her house and helped her carry everything in. The smell of delicious treats met his nose— her hard work clearly paying off.

He followed her to the kitchen where she had half baked cookies and a half made home-made frosting. "You have been busy."

"Nah I was lyin'." She muttered sarcastically. He rolled his eyes playfully and set the bags down. After a few minutes, the cookies were in the oven and he had moved onto whipping the home-made whipped cream. Small talk was made, and it drifted into a conversation about their childhood— which morphed into a full fledged profound conversation about life.

Sweets and foods were made and set aside to wait until the actual day of feasting, and when everything was cleaned, Chandler's boyish humor decided to mess with her. He grabbed an egg from the carton and pretended to drop it. "Oh man."

"Seriously?" She giggles and bent down, picking up the eggshells. "You're lucky you're cute." When he grabbed another egg, he almost felt bad. Almost.   He dropped the egg on her head and she gasped, the yolk dripping down her hair and in between her eyes. "Chandler! Why?" She screeched and jumped up, trying to wipe the egg out of her hair. He burst into a fit of laughter and shrunk away, too busy laughing at her disheveled look to notice her grab two eggs. In each hand, she grasped his face and smashed the eggs to his cheeks, leaning over and throwing brown sugar over the eggs. He stopped laughing and pouted.

"Why is this cute in movies and so not in real life?"

"Because slimey eggs dripping down your face is anything but cute." She teased and he smirked softly, brushing her loose hair back. Then he grabbed the flour.

The childish fight continued until he slipped and fell on some fallen egg, collapsing in a messy heap. After their shared laughing fit, she showed him to the shower and let him shower before her. When he came out in some of her brothers clothes (since he has his overnight luggage still there). She showered and when she came out didn't expect him to be still in her room.

"Having fun?" She asked, motioning to his intense staring at the pictures on his wall. He shrugged and smiled at her.

"I gotta go soon, since it is a holiday tomorrow." He used her words against her with a cheesy smile. With a roll of her eyes, she threw her towel at him and shook her head.

"Right. Well, I appreciate it. You helped me a lot even if my kitchen looks like a preschool art room, with paint swapped for food." He chuckled softly and stood to his feet.

"Since it's offseason I'll have more free time." He smiled, wiggling his brows.

"Sounds like we need plans."

"I'll text you." He nodded and sighed softly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I'll make it up to you, the whole mess. I'll take you on an even cuter date."

"Okay, I'll hold you to it." She smirked and he winked at her.

"I'm counting on it."

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