Ryan Blaney

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I set down my bag with a slight frown as music thumped through the speakers loudly. It was three in the morning and I would have figured Ryan and his friends would be done partying. Apparently not. I smiled softly as I heard Ryan and Bubba's loud singing over the music and chuckled as I followed both the shaking floor and discarded beer bottles. When I walked into the living room, I saw Ryan and Bubba with their arms around each other's shoulders, Bubba holding my hair brush to his lips while Ryan tipped his head back, drinking the beer.

Chase and Carson started chanting 'chug' loudly which made me frown. "Do not chug." I laughed as I rushed up, taking the beer out of his hand. He pouted as he looked to the beer in my hand before trailing back to my eyes. I raised a brow as he blinked once. Then his entire face lit up before he lunged at me, throwing his arms over mine. I gasped and stumbled backward as he lifted me off the ground and spun me around.

"You're back!" He cheered loudly and I laughed as I shrugged.

"Yeah, well, you know. This was the plan after all, wasn't it?" I teased as he gently set me down. I went to sit down the beer on the coffee table but as I leaned over, he cupped my cheeks and smashed his lips into mine. I was caught off guard but kissed nonetheless. I could taste the alcohol on his lips as he pressed himself against me, stumbling slightly as he backed me into a wall. 

His hands slid to grip my hips while I wrapped my arms around his neck, a slight smile on my face as he pulled away. "Welcome home." He slurred softly making me grin widely.

"Hell of a welcoming." I winked and he grinned. He took the beer from my hand before lacing our fingers together. He caught me off guard as he quickly pulled me into his chest, my feet stumbling a bit under me as he grinned. He wasn't in any better state than I was, though he was drunk and I was clumsy.

I laughed softly before gasping as he lifted our hands above my head and he swiftly spun me. I laughed loudly as my heart clashed against my rib cage with the bass of the loud music. When he pulled me back to his chest, he wasted no time gripping my hip with one hand and grabbing my other in his, sidestepping as he pulled me close.

I breathed out heavily, my smile wide. "If I had known drunk you would dance with me I'd have picked up a 30 pack on the way." I winked/

"I gotcha!" Bubba yelled, pointing to the 30 pack of Coors Light. I laughed as Ryan side stepped again but as the electric guitar picked up, he dropped his hand from my hip and raised our hands, twirling me around several times. I laughed as I prepared myself this time, keeping my footing perfectly as he stepped forward, wrapping his hand around my waist and spinning me into him, dropping me low. 

I couldn't help the soft squeal that escaped my lips as he held me securely in his arms. His eyes were shining and his grin widened as he held me in the dip. "You're absolutely drop dead gorgeous." He whispered huskily and I blushed as he pulled me back up, the songs changing.

"You're not too shabby yourself." I laughed before pecking his lips. "Though you're pretty drunk. Maybe it's time for bed?" I asked, raising a brow. He snickered and shook his head, hooking his fingers through the belt loops on my jeans, tugging me against him.

"Will you come with me?" He slurred, trying to smile seductively making me laugh. He hiccuped and smirked. "After you dance with me some more, of course." He shrugged matter of factly as he took a swig of his beer.

"Of course." I laughed as he laced his fingers with mine and stumbled backward. 

"You know, you're a fantastic dancer. And a fantastic person. And a fantastic kisser." He smirked crookedly as I laughed softly. His hand slipped around my waist pulling my flush against him. "But that is just a bonus for me."

"Thanks... I guess." I laughed.

"Trust me, babe, you're so very. very welcome. You're my favorite person ever." He kissed my nose and I blushed.

"Excuse me?" Bubba asked, his eyes watering slightly as he put his hand over his chest. Ryan stuck his tongue out at him, stumbling over his feet and leaning into me more as I caught him. 

"You're a close 34th." He shrugged and Chase and I laughed as Bubba pouted.

"At least I'm Chase's favorite." He smirked looking to Chase who cringed. This time we all laughed. We continued to dance, he continued to drink, and not before long, Bubba passed out on the floor while Chase found himself hugging a toilet. Ryan dragged me to our bedroom, his words even more slurred as he hopelessly flirted with me.

He shut the door behind him and pulled off his shirt. I gave him a look as he struggled to get it over his head, falling back slightly into the wall. When he eventually discarded it to the ground, he stumbled over to me, clasping his hands on my hips, his lips meeting mine.

When the back of my legs hit the bed, he pushed me down. Before I could stop him and tell him I didn't want to actually do anything, he pulled away and rolled off of me. I furrowed my brows as he leaned over, shutting off the lamp and curling up into my side. I smiled softly as I realize he too didn't want to do anything, just cuddle.

I leaned back, pulling the blankets up around us and he threw his arm over my stomach and inhaled deeply. "I love you." He grumbled sleepily against my shoulder and I grinned.

"I bet you're gonna love your hangover too."  I teased and he groaned loudly. It didn't take him long to fall asleep, cuddled into my side under the sheets.

In the morning I woke up and hummed softly, stretching my arms because of the uncomfortable position I had been in. When my eyes flickered open I realized it was light out but still early. I looked over to Ryan only to see him grinning widely, leaning on his arm. His brown curly hair was messy and his eyes still looked tired. "Good morning, my gorgeous girl friend." He grinned, his voice husky as he leaned down to peck my lips.

"Morning..." I raised a brow sleepily. "Why are you up so early?"

"I missed you." He kissed me again making my heart skip a beat. 

Thanks for reading/commenting/voting. Means the world. 

This imagine came to you because of my friend mendesriches story Letters. It's about Ryan--- so check it out. It's fantastic. 

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