Ryan Blaney

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So, I wrote this a bit ago but it's suddenly gone? I don't know if it deleted itself or my phone spazzed or whatever, but yeah. This is betourneautumn 's request.... thanks for reading/requesting!!! Also, this takes place last year, because I wanted to be cute about it.... okay? So some things aren't going to be right... sorry for any mistakes


Bethany had always wanted to come back to the track with her dad, since he's a popular commentator, but she'd never been able to due to schooling, family events, or just an inconvenience for whatever plans she had. But now, she stood at the track she used to visit all the time as a kid with her father. Only now, she was much more grown up and more mature. But she saw some of the same people she grew up with. There was one particular face she was nervous but excited to see, and that would be her best friend. 

Or, her former best friend. She hadn't seen Ryan in years, and the last time she did, they both were just kids. Their favorite thing to do was watch a Star Wars movie on repeat. What they had in common was fathers that raced, and that in itself was a decent basis for a friendship at that age. They were rather close, even closer thanks he was to his sisters who she also spent a lot fo time with.

It was growing later and later, and at no sight of him but the promise of him being there was really eating away at her. She sighed as she looked at the cars in the garage. She missed being so close to them. Being able to see, hear, smell--hell, even taste the things the racetrack has to offer is insanely amazing. It was exhilarating looking at the rubber covered pavement, and smelling that said rubber on the track. Being able to see all the racers compete in person was crazy, and even more so when it was your family.

She remembered her dad racing, and all those trips to victory lane.... Nostalgia hit her, and t hit her hard. She gazed at the old 24 car, an entirely different body and paint scheme than she remembered. She sighed softly, walking toward it and sitting her hand over the spoiler. A light smile played on her lips as she thought back.

It was Pocono Raceway, and there stood a short brown haired green eyed girl standing atop the pit wall with the rest of the 24 team. Her eyes were wide, hair bouncing as she bent her knees excitedly. The hooping and hollering around her echoed, but she knew that he hadn't won until he crossed the green and white line. Her tiny fists were clenched as she smiled excitedly, her green eyes blazing with excitement.

"Yes!" She shouted, her smile wide as she turned to her mother. "Momma, momma! Dad won!" She screeched, hugging her legs. Her mother laughed softly, setting her hand on her head. 

"Yes, he did... Let's get down to victory lane, sweetheart." 

"No, I'm gonna go get Ryan... please, can he come? Please, momma?" She asked, pouting her bottom lip. Her mother laughed softly before nodding and leading her 6 year old daughter to Dave Blaney's pit box.  When the small girl saw her best friend, she rushed over and nearly tackled him in an excited hug. "Ryan, come to victory lane with me!" Her words were jumbled as she excitedly smiled at him, hopping back from him to give him space.

"Why?" He asked with a slightly angered face. She frowned, her shoulders falling as her bottom lip pouted out.

"I want you to." She frowned, glancing over at his dad's car that rolled it with some damage. Her bright eyes darted to the scoreboard, seeing his number in an unflattering spot. "I'm sorry." She sighed and Ryan glanced at his mom, who smiled warmly at him as she talked to Bethany's mom. 

"No, let's go." he sighed, a light smile finally spreading across his lips. Her smile again rose and she grabbed his hand, rushing pass her mom as she dodge people going t victory lane. Her mother excused herself before following after the running kids.

Bethany laughed softly, scrunching her nose up as she thought back to her dragging Ryan to victory lane. A voice snapped her out of her reminiscing and she whipped around. She saw a boy, a little taller than her but younger. He had soft brown eyes and brown hair. "Hey, what are you... uh, whatcha doing?"

"Sorry..." She laughed, trying to remember the name her dad gushed about. "Chase, right?" She asked, offering her hand with a warm smile. "I'm Bethany, Jeff's daughter."

"Oh, right! Hey, yeah, Blaney told me about you a little." He nodded as he shook her hand, a smile spreading across his lips as his southern accent rang out. 

"Yeah, I was reminiscing about the old days. Ryan and I used to be pretty good friends, so while I'm surprised I shouldn't be. But hey, I gotta go back before my dad freaks. Good luck, tomorrow, Chase."

"Thanks.... you and Ryan should catch up. Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Bethany." The two bid each other good byes and Bethany returned back home.


"Oh my gosh." Bethany's hands were clasped over her mouth as she watched the 21 car cross the line. Fans cheered, teammates screamed, and rubber was burned. Her eyes were wide, her heart was racing, and suddenly, she found herself rushing to victory lane. She stopped, mixing in with the crowd. The car pulled in, and her breath caught in her throat.

Jeff stood on the side of the car, screaming as he flung his drink voer the team. The sky was dull, but the fans were wild. The cheers echoed, the laughs and smiles were contagious. It was amazing, it was history in the making.

Ryan climbed out, is smile so wide. He looked even more familiar in person, his long curly brown hair slicked back. She bit her lip, wringing her hands as she sifted through the crowd, closer. He drenched everyone in his drink, much like Jeff had them so many years ago. He jumped down, the interviewer asking him questions. She patiently waited, her hands shaking slightly.

Jeff turned from the interviewer and to his daughter, spreading his arms wide. She ran into them, hugging him tightly. Ryan walked over with a content smile, watching the family. When they broke apart, Jeff smiled at Ryan and Ryan offered his hand. Jeff shook the 6-year olds hand and then his daughter dragged him backwards. The two stood, watching the celebration unfold.

Ryan turned away, cheering once again. He laughed, his eyes raking the crowd for familiar faces. He found hers, and his smile faltered, his eyes widening slightly. Since she was caught, she smile and stepped out of the crowd toward him. "Um.. hi.." She laughed awkwardly. "Congratulations Ry..."

"Bethany." He breathed, before lunging at her and wrapping her in a tight hug. He was sweat and covered in Coke. He squeezed her close, holding ehr as close as possible.

"Congrats, Ryan. Hell of a race... Deja Vu. I bet it's a whole lot sweeter being here yourself." He pulled back, his smiled returned and wide.

"We're celebrating, you need to come. I'm so happy you're here... Oh my god, Bethany, you're here!" He laughed, hugging her again.

"Ryan, picture!" Someone shouted. He pulled back, suddenly flustered.

"Uh--I'll find you after, okay? Don't leave, we need to catch up, okay? Just... ya know, wait..." He laughed and she smiled.

"Okay, I'll wait." He smiled, biting his bottom lip before backing away.

"I can't believe you came back." He breathed before back up with his team. They posed for pictures, drank, and celebrated. During this, Bethany disappeared and told her father she'd be late coming home. When she was walking back out, she was surprised that Ryan was right outside walking up. He smiled widely, raising a beer. "Come celebrate with me!" He laughed adn she smiled before following after him. He threw his arm around her and pulled her into his side. "I've missed you so, so much, Beth."

"I've missed you too, Ry." She laughed and he bit his lip, his eyes falling down her body. 

The night was spent drinking, dancing, and laughing-- just the two. Yes, Chase and Bubba showed up, but they did their own thing. Ryan caught up with Bethany, and just like when they were rambunctious 6 year olds, they were inseparable.

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