Ryan Blaney

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This was cute... Emma's wedding was beautiful (What I've seen on social media) congrats to her and her new hubby and her baby! This is for Captain_Black_Magic! Thanks for the request and thank you very much for reading! I apologize for any mistakes <3 It's nearly 2 AM. I never stop working, apparently ahah xoxo 


"Come here, babe," Ryan laughed as I lifted my dress to scurry away in an anxious mess. He tore my hand from my flowy white dress and grabbed my other hand. "My family will adore you, I swear on it." He promised, a wide smile plastered on his lips. I groaned and reached up, brushing a strand of his curly hair back into the slicked position it had been before.

"No. Why chose now? Your family hasn't met me yet, and I'm sure being a plus one at your sister's wedding isn't what they expected. What if we break up and I'm in the distance pictures? I don't wanna be a bad memory!" I whined and Ryan laughed and tilted my chin up.

"You'll be a pretty distant memory." He teased and I pouted. 

"Screw you, Ryan Michael Blaney," I muttered and stepped up the small step to enter the building. Ryan shrugged and followed after me.

"Whatever you say. But in public? At my sister's wedding? Bold move." He teased and I glared at him over my shoulder until he swooped in and slid his arm around my waist.

"Dirty minded idiot." I teased. "At least give me a heads-up before I see them? So I can mentally prepare?" He smiled as he grabbed two champagne glasses off off a plaster a man in a tight suit was walking around with.

"Absolutely." He handed me one and I smiled softly.

"Tha--" My outspoken appreciation was cut short as Ryan turned slightly and screamed out for his mother.

"Mom! Come meet my smoke show of a girlfriend!" I nearly threw my glass as I watched his mother, all dolled up in a beautiful dress with her hair and makeup spot on. Ryan's dad followed behind, smiling softly. My cheeks blazed red in all embarrassment, anxiety, anger, and nerves. 

"What happened to a heads up?" I squealed, gritted teeth with a fake smile as they approached.

"Um... I forgot?" He shrugged and waved to me in a sweeping motion as his parents stood before us. "This is Kiki, my beautiful girl."

"Hello, Kiki. Nice to meet you!" His mom exclaimed and threw her arms around me. I hugged her back awkwardly as not to spill my champagne. 

"Thank you, you as well." I smiled warmly.

"So, how'd you meet my son?" His dad asked me as his mother stepped back. Ryan's arm swooped around my waist and his hand landed on my hip as he sipped his champagne.

"Um... through Joey. Joey Logano, you know, his teammate?" Of course, they know. "Um... and yeah, I'm happy." I squeaked and Ryan chuckled. 

"We're gonna go have a seat." Ryan excused us and sipped his champagne.

"Okay, love. Thank you for coming, it means a lot to Emma. She's dying to meet you." His mom assured and I smiled back. Ryan lead me away and laughed into my curled hair as he leaned into me.

"You act like you're my hostage girlfriend." I huffed as we took a seat in a row of chairs, tossing back my drink. 

"Shut it," I muttered and he pulled my chair closer to him and kissed my cheek before turning my face to him and kissing my lips. I kissed him back, gently resting my hand on his cheek and deepening the kiss. I pulled away before it could become too heated in public, which only caused Ryan to groan and grab at me. I rolled my eyes and laughed as the ceremony started.

It was short and sweet, and Emma looked dazzling in her dress. After, Ryan dragged me up to her and gave her a big, tight hug. He congratulated her before introducing us.

"Ooohh!" Emma squealed loudly. "Kiki, I'm so so happy to meet you! You're gorgeous!" She beamed and hugged me, her baby belly separating us a bit. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Thank you, you're so beautiful yourself! Your gown is stunning, and..." I paused, nodding to her belly, "you're both glowing."

"Aw, stop it." She teased and licked her lips. "Erin!" A pretty blonde turned from speaking with some people. "This is Ryan's girlfriend, Kiki."

"Aw, hey, girl!" Erin rushed over open arms. I smiled back and hugged her as Ryan began to talk to a man that stood off to the side. "About time Ryan brings you around."

"I'm glad I get to meet all of you." I smiled softly and Erin pulled back. "Picture?" She asked, holding up her hone.

"Mine too!" Emma and Erin handed off their cell phones to the man Ryan was speaking to, and Ryan got in between Emma and me, Erin standing beside me. Ryan pulled me close and we all posed for a handful of pictures for each phone, the good ones being sent to both Ryan and me. After a short conversation, Ryan excused us and whisked us away from them. We got outside, and when we got there, confusion set in as the dimly lit porch of the venue allowed me to look at him.

"What's wrong? What are we doing?"

"You freak out when I kiss you in public." He teased before leaning in and kissing me gently. I chuckled into the kiss and kissed back, pulling him close. 

"You're a complete dork."

"You're a dork too ya know." He teased back and brushed my hair back. "My dork." I rolled my eyes and shoved at his chest. He looped his arms back around me and kissed me deeper, more full of passion. I gave into him and kissed back, holding him close and savoring the moment before it turned into a memory.

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